Releases: cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Releases · cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Build 4025 - Version 4.1.1
4.1.1 - b4025
- Davis VP2/Vue raincounter reset problems
- Another raincounter reset issue that has been lurking
- Wizard made Ecowitt API key and secret mandatory
- Fix for FTP overwrite performing delete + create of remote file
Build 4024 - Version 4.1.0
4.1.0 - b4024
- HTTP (Ecowitt) station now accepts the data via a simple GET url as well as POST
- Cumulus now calculates the AQi for Ecowitt PM and CO₂ sensors
- New web tags:
<#AirQualityIdx1[-4]>, <#AirQualityAvgIdx1[-4]>
<#CO2_pm2p5_aqi>, <#CO2_pm2p5_24h_aqi>, <#CO2_pm10_aqi>, <#CO2_pm10_24_aqih>
- New web tags:
- Add new pressure units option of kilopascal (kPa)
- New station type added: JSON Data Input, marked as "experimental" for now, but testing so far has been successful
- Accepts data in a JSON format defined in MXutils/WeatherStationInput.jsonc
- Input mechanism is via:
- Named file
- HTTP POST to http://[CMX_IP_Address]:8998/station/json
- MQTT using a named topic
- Locale Strings now has settings for the default record date/time text
- Removed option for WOW catch-up, it isn't supported by WOW
- Moved the log file header info files to the MXutils/fileheaders folder
- Temperature Sum graph data when Sum0 is the only selected range
- Fix #NewBuildAvailable and #NewBuildNumber web tags
- Fix for Davis VP2 consoles losing todays rainfall on a full power cycle
- Exception when enabling real-time FTP whilst running and FTP logging is enabled
- Davis WLL now fires a single "sensor contact lost" warning message + contact restored
- Fix for multiple realtime FTP log-ins being attempted in parallel
- Alarm actions errored if the action parameter field is empty
Package Updates
- MQTTnet
- MailKit
- BouncyCastle
Build 4023 - Version 4.0.1
- There is now a 32 Windows specific version of executable - CumulusMX32.exe
- The same applies to MigrateData3to4, CreateMissing and ExportToMySQL
- Removed the experimental Gmail OATH2 authentication method
- Third party uploads now have retries and the timeout increased to 30 seconds
- Fixed Spike handling for outdoor temperature
- Fixed David Cloud (VP2) station sometimes not decoding dew point, adds indoor temp/hum decode
- The -install option now works on 32 bit Windows
Build 4022 - Version 4.0.0
Initial release of Cumulus MX which now runs under Microsoft .NET 8.0 and removes the requirement for the Mono runtime environment on Linux
- Moon Image now supports transparent shadows
- The -install/-unistall command line switches now support both Windows and Linux
- Under Linux run > sudo dotnet CumulusMX.dll -install -user [-port <port_number>] [-lang ]
- Windows install as a service now self-elevates and requests UAC
- Implements encryption of the credentials in the cumulus.ini file
- Experimental Gmail OATH 2.0 authentication
- New web tag for the average temperature of the previous 24 hours from now: <#TempAvg24Hrs>
- Cumulus backups are now zipped
- Add Enable option to Extra Web Files so you can now save entries but not have them active
- Ecowitt - added firmware update check on start-up and once a day at 13:00
- New Firmware Alarm to support this
- New web tag <#FirmwareAlarm>
- Adds new web tags for temperature means
<#ByMonthTempAvg mon=[1-12]> Mean for requested month over the entire history. Omit the mon parameter for the current month
<#MonthTempAvg m=[1-12] y=[YYYY]> Mean for the requested specific month. Omit the parameters for the current month
<#YearTempAvg y=[YYYY]> Mean for the requested year. Omit the y parameter for the current year - Add "MX calculates Sea Level Pressure"
- Applies to HTTP Ecowitt, HTTP Ambient, GW1000, Ecowitt Cloud, FO, Davis Cloud WLC stations
- When enabled, the pressure calibration is applied to the raw station pressure
- Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
- Adds true Altimeter Pressure calculation to GW1000, Ecowitt HTTP, Ecowitt Cloud
- Check your station pressure (Absolute) calibration!
- Added localisation of records web tag date/time formats
- Now requires Microsoft .Net 8.0 rather than mono to run under Linux and MacOS
- All data files are now written/read as invariant - dayfile, monthly log files, extra log files, AirLink, and custom log files
- NOTE: Custom log files may require the user to alter their configuration to use comma separators and add the rc=y parameter to numeric web tags
- Monthly log files now renamed to "[yyyyMM]log.txt" to remove localised month name - and now sortable in the file system!
- Added MigrateData3to4 utility.
Basic workflow:
- Clean install v4
- Copy v3 Cumulus.ini to root
- Copy v3 /data and /Reports folders to v4 install
- Rename the /data folder to /datav3
- Run MigrateData3to4
- Done! - Removed previously deprecated web tags
CO2-24h, CO2-pm2p5, CO2-pm2p5-24h, CO2-pm10, CO2-temp, CO2-hum - Loading dayfile now continues on error and reports total errors - only the first 20 errors are logged
- You now only set the Ecowitt MAC/IMEI address in one place for the various station types
- In Local API settings for GW1000 type
- In Cloud Access API for Cloud and HTTP station types
- Problems when using a 9am rollover in the records editors for values from the monthly log files
- Select-a-Period charts not respecting the interval dates: Air Quality, CO₂, Soil Moisture, Leaf Wetness
- Calibration Limits not changing when the user changes units - eg initial install
- Potential fix for corruption at the end of all data log files when shutting down
- Error that the username is not set when sending email to a server that requires no authentication
- Improvement to GW1000 API reconnects
- Improved web socket initial connection to send data immediately on dashboard/now/gauges connection
- Fix for soil moisture conversion from percentage to cb in Weather Cloud uploads
- Reload dayfile can now only be run as a single instance
- Improvements to Davis WLL wind handling when:
- Transitioning from catch-up to live running
- No broadcasts are received
- Davis WLL improved recovery from loss of broadcast messages
- Spike/limit improvements
Build 3283 - Version 3.28.6
- Fix davis Cloud station decode of VP2 sensor current data (again)
- Fix crash in Growing Degree Days & Temperature Sum graphs for a particular circumstance
Build 3282 - Version 3.28.5
Fixed bug in rainfall jump detection, was triggering at 1 mm!
Build 3281 - Version 3.28.4
- The monthly log file check for corruption is extended to the Extra and AirLink logs if they are in use
- Error that the username is not set when sending email to a server that requires no authentication
- Some Davis VP2 stations current data not working with the WeatherLink Cloud station type
- Fix for soil moisture conversion from percentage to cb in WCloud uploads
- Fix EcowittCloud not applying historic piezo rainfall
Build 3280 - Version 3.28.3
- Adds Ecowitt local GW1000 API to the web tag <#StationFreeMemory>. Known to work with GW1100 (v2.3.1) and GW2000 (v3.1.1) so far
- Adds a new web tag <#ExtraStationFreeMemory> to avoid clashes with the main station and a Ecowitt HTTP station used for extra sensors
- Adds a check for the raincounter suddenly increasing (more than 25mm or 1 inch)
- Ecowitt Cloud decoding of Soil Moisture values
- Ecowitt Cloud add missing decode of CO2 temp/humidity values
- Crash for new installs when the monthly log file does not exist
- Setting Ecowitt custom server settings when used as an Extra Sensor station
- The Monthly Records editor values from the log file showed the previous months values for monthly totals like Total Rainfall etc.
Build 3279 - Version 3.28.2
- Adds two new web tags <#StationFreeMemory> and <#StationRuntime>
StationFreeMemory: Shows the station free memory for Davis WLC, Ecowitt GW1100/20000 (using HTTP)
StationRuntime: Shows the station uptime in seconds for Davis WLL/WLC, Ecowitt GW1100/20000 (using HTTP) - Now implements a basic check of the latest monthly log file on start-up to remove any nulls from the end
- Custom Minutes MySQL commands can now have the interval defined per command rather than globally
- Ecowitt Cloud station: Fix some errors decoding Ecowitt cloud API.
- Ecowitt Cloud, no longer requires a Pro subscription to pull current data. Quite an extensive rewrite!
- Extra Files using log filename templates missed the last log entry at month rollover as they switched to the new month immediately
- Fix missing units in alarm email messages
- Custom Timed MySQL commands sometimes fired immediately after saving the configuration
- Ecowitt historic catch-up was missing CO2, CO2 pm, CO2 T/H, leaf wetness, and extra T/H dewpoint values
Build 3278 - Version 3.28.1
- PHP upload max connections per server now configurable, the default value is reduced from 20 to 5
- Extra Web Files upload of log files now supports incremental uploads (works for all upload types: PHP, SFTP, FTP/FTPS)
- New tick box column on the settings page "Incremental"
- Can be used with any text file that "grows" a line at a time
- Upload Now! page now has a tick box to force upload of incremental log files fully
- Web tag <#OsVersion> now returns the OS description. This is better on Windows and appears to be the same on Linux
- Final(?) fix for remove space from dates
- Add a check for null MQTT topics
- A bug in the MySQL timed + repeat settings
- Error save Program Settings > RemoveSpaceFromDateSeparator
- Fix wrong DST status issue that seems to affect some Synology NAS boxes
- Fix record editors when editing records that have a time format of "Mon Year"
- When Davis WLL detects a missed high wind gust it is now also added into recent wind data to be included in the calculations
Package Updates
- FluentFTP (revert back to official release)
- MQTTnet
- MySqlConnector