Releases: cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Build 3059 - Version 3.2.3
- Adds the Cumulus.ini file to the files automatically backed up each day/program start
- Fixes to the Monthly Records editor monthly rainfall figures
Build 3058 - Version 3.2.2
- Implements the missing <#txbattery> web tag for WLL devices
- Fix default website pages header not wrapping on small screens
- Adds Monthly Records editor
- Fixes and improvements to the All Time Records editor
Build 3057 - Release 3.2.1
- Fix for WMR200 stations writing a zero value Apparent Temperature to the log files when retrieving logger data
- Fix the dashboard for Internet Explorer
- Fix default website index page header not wrapping on small screens
- Fix for Davis stations connected via TCP/IP to detect failures and reopen the connection more quickly during loop data processing
- Adds Solar calibration settings offset and multiplier
- Updates the SampleStrings.ini file with the extra captions added in b3056
Build 3056 - Ver 3.2.0
- Adds support for Ecowitt GW1000 WiFi gateway
- New web tag <#GW1000FirmwareVersion>
- Added extra soil temp sensors 5-16 for GW1000 stations
- New web tags <#SoilTemp5-16>
- Value are logged to extra log file
- Added custom captions available in Cumulus.ini [SoilTempCaptions] : Sensor5-16
- Added extra soil moisture sensors 5-16 for GW1000 stations
- New web tags <#SoilMoisture5-16>
- Values are logged to extra log file
- Added custom captions available in Cumulus.ini [SoilMoistureCaptions] : Sensors5-16
- Units now change between cb for Davis and % for GW1000 sensors
- Added extra air quality sensors 1-4 for GW1000 stations
- New weg tags <#AirQuality1-4> and <#AirQualityAvg1-4>
- Values are logged to extra log file
- Added custom captions available in Cumulus.ini [AirQualityCaptions] : Sensor1-4 and SensorAvg1-4
- Added new web tags for <#LeakSensor1-4> to support GW1000 leak sensors
- No display or logging of these values is done
- Added new web tags for Lightning sensors on GW1000 stations
- <#LightningDistance> Distance to last strike (same units as wind run - miles/km/nm)
- <#LightningTime> Time of last strike (format customisable)
- <#LightningStrikesToday> Number of strikes since midnight
- Currently there is no logging or display of these values
- Enables alarms as per Cumulus 1
- New Alarm page under Settings
- Alarms are shown visually on the dashboard
- Due to browser restrictions, alarm sounds on the browser page may require you to click a button on the first alarm in order to hear it.
- You can add the MX admin site to your browsers list of sites alloed to play sound automatically- Your browser should "learn" that you want to allow sounds to play automatically
- Alarm sound files should be placed in the /interface/sounds folder, they must be a browser compatible format (mp3 are good)
- The alarm settings for the sound file should be just the filename without any path
- Add pressure multiplier calibration
- New ini file setting [Offsets] PressMult = 1.0 (default)
- Fix for the All Time Records editor hourly rain total from the monthly log file month
- Fixes missing Cumulus multipliers for Wind and Rain values on Davis WLL stations
- Changes All Time Records editor to only load data from the Day File by default. Monthly log file
processing is now optional as it can take a very long time on a slow machine e.g. Raspberry Pi - Fix to catch badly formed Davis WLL broadcast messages
- Fix for Davis WLL edge cases producing an initial zero value wind chill on startup
Build 3055 - Ver 3.1.2
- Fix for the All Time Records editor monthly rain total from the monthly log files
- Fix for some long timeouts in All Time Records editor
Build 3054 ver 3.1.1
- Fixes WLL timestamps always being in UTC, now uses local time
- Adds web tags <#snowlying>, <#snowfalling>, both provide 1|0 responses
- Adds Current Conditions editor to admin interface
- Adds All Time Records editor to admin interface
Build 3053 ver 3.1.0
- Adds support for Davis WeatherLink Live device
- Supports Zero-Config, it should discover your WLL on the network (router support required)
- Adds support for Cumulus.ini file setting EWpressureoffset for Fine Offset stations as used in Cumulus1.
- This provides a manual override for the calculated absolute to relative pressure offset
- Adds reading of the interval Hi/Lo temperature readings when processing Davis logger archive records during catch-up
- Adds display and generation of NOAA Monthly and Yearly reports
- Reduces the Instromet live data read intervals to 1 second
- Applies "fix" for Mono 5.x generating short month names ending with "." as used for log file names
Build 3052 - ver 3.0.2
Fixes Davis archive downloads from the the logger when the day rollover processing takes longer than 10 seconds.
This can happen on slow processors - Pi Zero for example - or if lengthy procedures are included
An extra archive processing run is scheduled for each day rollover that takes longer than 10 seconds -
Updated files
Build 3051 - ver 3.0.1
Increases Davis DMPAFT Date/Time command timeout
Much improved Davis serial port throughput (for USB and Serial loggers), should decrease the historic logger download time
Adds Davis archive data processing progress indication
Fixes firmware check for LOOP2 support
Fixes a race condition on start-up of Davis VP2 stations without a logger. This could cause a crash in AstroLib.SolarMax()
Fixes reading the Davis console clock after setting the time
Updated files
Build 3050
Fixes MX not working with locales that use two character date separators
Eg. Croatia "29. 04. 19" -
Updated files