Releases: cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Releases · cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Build 3069 - Version 3.4.5
- Adds Editors for: Dayfile, Monthly Logs, Extra Logs
- Adds line numbers to the log file viewer/editors
- Widens the time windows for the Moons phase names
- Fix for <#MoonPercent> and <#MoonPercentAbs> always showing integer values even with the dp=n option
Build 3068 - Version 3.4.4
- Fix for incorrect NOAA yearly report, annual averages for tempertaure and wind were calculated incorrectly
- Now detects invalid CumulusMX.exe command line parameters
- Adds a new command line parameter -debug. This switches on debug and data logging from the start-up of Cumulus MX. You no longer have to edit Cumulus.ini to gather these diagnostics.
Build 3067 - Version 3.4.3
- Adds a new option to Davis WLL and Ecowitt GW1000 station settings to disable IP address auto-discovery. Use this option if you have more than one of these devices on your network, then enter the IP address manually.
Build 3066 - Version 3.4.2
- Improved error handing for invalid Davis WLL Station Ids
- Improved error handling when the network connection to a Davis WLL is lost (and restored)
- Adds missing Data Stopped alarm to the Dashboard and Alarm Settings screens
- Adds auto-discovery for Ecowitt GW1000 devices IP addresses
- Adds DataStopped handling to Ecowitt GW1000 devices
Build 3065 - Version 3.4.1
- Fix for WLL if you change the logging interval around a catch-up period
- Fix for gust values from WLL devices
- Add WLL broadcast data watchdog and warning, implements DataStopped flag
- Adds WLL Cumulus.ini readonly setting, AutoUpdateIpAddress, use this to switch off the WLL autodetection of IP address. This is a workaround for a WLL firmware bug that does not update the IP address when it changes using DHCP.
AutoUpdateIpAddress=0 #default = 1
Build 3064 - Version 3.4.0
- Adds the option for Davis WLL users who have a Pro subscription to use as a "logger" to catch up missing data on Cumulus MX start-up.
- Adds to option to truncate the
tag value to an integer value instead of rounding it.
Use<#MoonAge tc=y>
- ideal if you use the tag for image selection - Updates FTP Now so that it does a full file process and FTP cycle, previously it just ran the FTP process
- Adds a Cumulus MX version check at startup - if online - and logs a message in the console and diags when a newer build is available
- Fixes the Monthly Records editor for dry/wet periods that end on the last day of a month being incorrectly recorded against the following month.
- Fixes the Beaufort calcuations - there were some rounding errors in edge cases.
- Fixes Davis VP2 and WLL that were not using peak speeds from LOOP2 (VP2) and live/historic data (WLL) when the Cumulus logging interval is set to 10 minutes or more.
- Fix for FTPS on realtime FTP updates
- Adds new ini file only option to disable Explicit mode FTPS - ie use Implicit mode
Build 3063 - Version 3.3.0
- Adds support for SFTP (SSH FTP)
- Moves the FTP SSL option to the web server settings
- Adds SFTP to existing FTP, FTPS options
- Fixes Ecowitt Soil Temperature/Moisture/Leak detector channel numbering
- Fix for an occasional error in station logger data handling of today's rainfall during CMX start-up
- Fix for Ecowitt GW1000 Lightning data decode
- Fix for incorrect date on <#Snow*> web tags
- Now automatically fixes two Cumulus.ini changes from Cumulus 1 generated files
- Changes the [FTP Site] section name to [FTP site]
- Changes NOAA default monthly name (if still set) from "NOAAMO'mmyy'.txt" to "NOAAMO'MMyy'.txt"
- Additional diagnostic logging info for Lacrosse WS2300 stations
Build 3062 - Version 3.2.6
- Fixes monthly records editor for stations witha a met day starting at 9am
- Adds range checks for latitude and longitude values
Build 3061 - Version 3.2.5
- Adds This Month and This Year records editors
- Adds FTP Now function
- Fix to MonthlyAlltimeLog.txt to add line feeds
- Fix missing WLL station description from APRS data
Build 3060 - Version 3.2.4
- Fix uncaught Web exceptions in Davis WLL
- Fix Monthly Records editor not saving updated date/time stamps
- Adds a log file for MonthlyAlltimeIni.txt file changes