Releases: cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Releases · cumulusmx/CumulusMX
Build 3090 - Version 3.8.0
- Fix: Malformed API JSON returned by api/tags/process.json if no data output is generated
- Fix: Crash on start-up on the 1st of the month between 00:00 and rollover hour when using 9am rollover
- Fix: AWEKAS Sunshine hours were being truncated to integer hours
- New feature: Cumulus MX now supports running as a system service
- When running as a service the normal console output is logged to a file: \MXdiags\ServiceConsoleLog.txt
- On Windows
- To set Cumulus up as a service run it as an Administrator using the command line parameter -install
- To remove the Cumulus system service run it as an Administrator using the command line parameter -uninstall
- The service will stop itself if it detects that the computer is going into standby
- To add parameters to the service when it starts automatically you will have to edit the registry
Add the parameters after the quoted executable string. Eg.
"C:\CumulusMX\CumulusMX.exe" -port 9000 - The service can be stopped/started using the usual utilities:
The Services applet:- services.msc (You can pass parameters using this tool, but they are not saved for future use)
The service command line tool:- sc start|stop|query CumulusMX [optional parameters for start-up here]
- On Linux
- Run Cumulus using the mono-service command instead of mono. You also need to add the command line parameter -service
mono-service -l:/var/run/ CumulusMX.exe -service (if pathed to CumulusMX folder)
mono-service -l:/var/run/ -d:<</path/to/cumulusmx>> CumulusMX.exe -service (from any location) - To stop the service you use kill, which will perform an orderly shutdown of MX
cat /var/run/
- Run Cumulus using the mono-service command instead of mono. You also need to add the command line parameter -service
- New feature:
- When running on Linux there is now an init.d script to start/stop the service.
- The script can be found in the \MXutils\linux folder
- Copy it to your /etc/init.d folder
- Change the permissions to 0755
chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/
- The script supports the following commands: start, stop, restart, status, removelock
- start: Starts MX as a service and creates a lock file to prevent it running again
- stop: Stops MX as a service and removes the lock file
- restart: Stops, then starts MX
- status: Reports if MX is running (only by checking the lock file at present), and dumps the latest console output to screen
- removelock: Removes a stray lock file if one gets left behind
- The command line would be: /etc/init.d/ start|stop|restart|status|removelock
- Script name: \MXutils\linux\
- New feature:
- When running on Windows as a service, the service will stop if the computer goes to standby/hibernate mode. A script to set up
a Scheduled Task that will restart the service on resume from standby/hibernate is provided in the \MXutils\windows folder.
The script MUST be run with Administrator priveldges. - Script name: \MXutils\windows\CreateCmxResumeFromStandbyTask.ps1
- When running on Windows as a service, the service will stop if the computer goes to standby/hibernate mode. A script to set up
- Adds a new web tags for the Davis WLL device.
<#ConsoleSupplyV> - The WLL external supply voltage
<#MulticastBadCnt> - Count of multicast packets missed or have bad a CRC
<#MulticastGoodCnt> - Count of good multicast packets received
<#MulticastGoodPct> - Percentage of good multicast packets received - On new installs of Cumulus MX, changes the default value of "WarnMultiple" from false to true
- Adds a download history limit of 50 bad packets for WMR200 station types. Prevously it could get stuck in a loop downloading bad data.
- Adds Show UV-I to the graph hide/show options
- Updates ExportMySQL to include the new Humidex values from b3089
- AWEKAS uploads updated to API v4 - now can include indoor data, soil temp/moisture 1-4, and leaf wetness 1-2. And it supports rapid
updates - minimum 15 seconds if you have a Stationsweb subscription, min 60 secs for Pro accounts, and 300 seconds for normal accounts- IMPORTANT NOTE: THe AWEKAS interval has changed from being set in minutes, to being set in seconds.
You MUST update the AWEKAS interval in the Internet settings/Cumulus.ini file to reflect this change. - New Cumulus.ini entries
- IMPORTANT NOTE: THe AWEKAS interval has changed from being set in minutes, to being set in seconds.
- Enabling/disabling and changing intervals for Twitter, WUnderground, Windy, PWS Weather, WOW, APRS, AWEKAS, Weather Cloud, MQTT from
Internet Settings now takes immediate effect and does not require a Cumulus restart. - Adds a new Cumulus.ini file only, read-only setting
SunshineHrsDecimals=1 - Adds a new folder in Dist zip file: /MXutils
In here I will add the various scripts etc that are provided with the releases to update MySQL or aid moving from one release to the next.
See above for new Windows and Linux scripts when running as a service
Build 3089 - Version 3.7.0
- Fix: Humidex was treated by MX as a temperature and incorrectly converted using the Celsius to Fahrenheit
conversion (if that was the user selected temperature unit).
Humidex is a dimensionless scale that should not be converted to retain meaning - Fix: Thread unsafe graph data access
- Fix: Real time SFTP not recovering from some reconnection situations
- Fix: Add missing "rc" function from <#battery> web tag
- Fix: Remove units from Humidex value on the chart tooltip
- Fix: Station Settings page menu
- Fix: Davis WLL devices were flagging sensor contact lost for lost packets, now it only flags contact lost
when resynchronising with a transmitter - Fix: Monthly records editor not functioning correctly on Humidex in beta1
- Adds a logger interval check for Davis VP2 stations - prints warning to console and log file if there is a mismatch
- Now supports some of the Cumulus 1 Graph plotting options, configured via Station Settings
- Cumulus.ini file settings
InTempVisible=1 *new?
HumidexVisible=1 *new
- Cumulus.ini file settings
- Remove defunct WeatherBug upload from Cumulus MX
- Humidex is now a fully fledged variable...
- Daily, monthly, yearly highs
- Recent data
- Graph data - added to MX interface
- Records
- New Humidex web tags:
<#humidexTH>, <#ThumidexTH>
<#humidexYH>, <#ThumidexYH>
<#MonthHumidexH>, <#MonthHumidexHT>, <#MonthHumidexHD>
<#YearHumidexH>, <#YearHumidexHT>, <#YearHumidexHD>
<#humidexH>, <#ThumidexH>
<#ByMonthHumidexH>, <#ByMonthHumidexHT>
- Add Humidex to default web site trend graphs
- Now only calculates Humidex above 10C
- Day file updated with four additional fields or Humidex high, high time
- Monthly log file has an additional field for Humidex
- Daily SQL table has four additional columns for Humidex high, high time
- Monthly SQL table has an additional column for Humidex
- Add new web tag <#timeUnix> = provides current date/time as a Unix timestamp (like <#timeJavaScript>)
- The web tags <#SunshineHours> and <#YSunshineHours> now accept the decimal place parameter "dp=n"
- Adds a new web token processor API - details available separately
- Spike removal settings are now active for all station types - TAKE CARE! Use with caution
- Spike/limit logging is now enabled by default for new installs
- Adds a new alarm - Spike removal triggered - it stays active for 12 hours, or it is cleared if you save the calibration settings
- New web tag <#DataSpikeAlarm>
- New Cumulus.ini file settings...
- New "Limits" implemented. Now MX ignores temperature, dew point, pressure, and wind values outside sensible value ranges from any station type (these also trigger a spike alarm)
- Set via the Calibration settings screen
- New Cumulus.ini file settings...
- New web tags for latest build notification - these require internet access to be meaningful
<#NewBuildAvailable> - returns "1" or "0"
<#NewBuildNumber> - returns the latest available Cumulus MX build number
Build 3088 - Version 3.6.12
- Fix Davis stations not downloading historic logger data (in b3087)
Build 3087 - Version 3.6.11
- Fix Davis TCP logger connections not timing out occasionally
- Fix heading on interface Now page, remove units from Humidex
- Fix FTP log file handling in Extra Files, with EOD option on the first of the month
- Add Feels Like to the default web site trends temperature graph
- Add Extra Sensors log file to the backup routine
- Add previous months log files (monthly and extra) to the backup on the first of the month
- Add "<currentextralogfile>" tag to Extra Web Files to specify the variable extra log file name
- Improve web tag token parser performance
- Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast now works with localised compass points
- Internal optimisations (watch out for new issues!)
- Uplift the SFTP component from a 2016 version to new beta version - supports more encryption methods and key file formats
- Further additions to shutdown code for all stations
- Adds new web tag <#RecentFeelsLike>
Build 3086 - Version 3.6.10
- Fix for Feels Like calcuation broken in previous release
- Fix for Davis WLL wind values when using units other than mph
- Fix for poor performance of wind direction charts on the MX interface and base web site
- Make end of day SQL inserts asynchronous
- Use a fixed timestamp for all EOD operations
Build 3084 - Version 3.6.8
- Simplify realtime SFTP error detection and recovery
- Change the default web site Gauges page to not show pop-up graphs by default
- Fix for Ecowitt GW1000 stations when sensors go offline/online (wind and rain values)
- Fix for GW1000 stations wind gust values when using units other than "mph"
- Fix for GW1000 stations with WH34 type sensors and firmware 1.6.0 or later. You must now use firmware 1.6.0+ with WH34 devices
- Fix crash when creating the graph JSON files when file in use by FTP
- Fix for rc=y parameter not working with the <#intemp> web tag
- Fix low contrast menus on admin interface
- Fix HighCharts theme on admin interface Charts page, and default web site Trends page
- Fix for web tags <#daylength> and <#daylightlength> to display "24:00" if they last all day (they still allow custom formats)
Build 3083 - Version 3.6.7
- Add catches for real time MySQL updates and all real time file failures
- Adds Station (Absolute) and Altimeter pressure values for Davis WLL stations
Build 3082 - Version 3.6.6
- Change ini files to use 17 significant figures for decimal values (up from 15)
- Fix for Davis WLL health data decoding when the WLL is LAN attached
- Fix for real time SFTP not reconnecting after failure
Build 3081 - Version 3.6.5
- Fix for sun rise/set and dawn/dusk calcuations when there is one event but not the other in a single day
- Fix for realtime FTP timeout/recovery issues
Build 3080 - Version 3.6.4
- Fix for Ctrl-C not being handled when running under Linux/mono. Now handles SIGTERM and console Ctrl-C
- Fix for realtime FTP getting stuck on "already in progress"
- Adds support for Ecowitt GW1000 WH34 8 channel "User" (soil and water) temperature sensors
New web tags <#UserTemp1> - <#UserTemp8>
ExtraLog file has eight new fields appended - UserTemp1-8