Welcome to the Largest Regular Submatrix Finder GitHub repository! We developed this program to quickly find the largest regular submatrix within a given matrix over the field F2. Regular submatrices are submatrices with a determinant of 1, a full rank or a bunch of equivalent characteristics.
To use this program, follow these simple steps:
Clone the repository
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Largest_regular_matrix
Run the program, providing the input matrix as a text file or through standard input. The input matrix should be formatted as shown in the examples in the "Example Input" section below.
cat examplematrix.txt | cargo run
You can also run the program and then enter the matrix manually through the command line.
- The program will display the result, including the dimension of the largest regular submatrix and the row and column of the top-left corner of the regular submatrix.
Here are examples of valid input matrices:
m 1 0 0 0
m 0 1 1 0
m 1 0 0 1
m 1 1 0 1
m 1 0 1
m 0 1 0
m 0 0 0
For the first example input, the result would be:
4 0 0
For the second example input, the result would be:
2 0 0
If you encounter any issues with the program or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to create an issue in the GitHub repository.