tac testnet assets #702
tac testnet assets #702
20 errors
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x07840B012d84095397Fd251Ea619cee6F866bC39.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x0B712c365c344221B09bBDD8dD1b828De86Fb24A.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x132911A0eD9803BAa703048618B38638c40D24C1.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x2183Bb115F6f90840B1d6FEd0857149546e4BF22.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x232B3FF9145d6bA31A3c552da7eBEff354f5b073.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x309EE0448100201CcC3DB0cED9e79F5D97A72dB7.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x40d02AAe9D294Ebefe818Bc9020a9883E055154e.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x57705Dbb817F880A30cb9656D0a8e7F86f416B0E.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x6F615BF749F6E000aEBFd0C2C2b7ab43d4930438.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Exit with error
- Error with `images/assets-tac/0x831ca6cA752643E0b9E2a4A42A5d77a93E3D6241.png`: The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase
Process changed files:
The new icon's filename must be entirely lowercase