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Checkmarx Inventory Tool

Application to inventory (extract) relevant contents from a Checkmarx product instance or tenant.


Extract and identify all the relevant system and object contents from a Checkmarx product instance. Assist on migration planning, especially for SAST to CXONE migrations, by identify potential issues, collisions, and blockers, that may require any type of correction, handling, or preparation.


The tool can extract data from SAST, CXONE, or SCA instances.


Invocation commands, options, and arguments

Use cxinventory --help for the available arguments, described in the table down in this document. All arguments may passed in command-line, as environment variables, or defined in a config.yaml file. The invocation, to extract inventory from SAST, with ALL options is:

cxinventory sast --sast.url --sast.username user_name --sast.password user_pass --options.detailed-users --options.include-repos

All the below can be used from command line, in the config.yaml, and in environment variables prefixed with "CXTOOL_"

General commands, to indicate the target system type (SAST, CXONE, or SCA). Only one can be selected.

Command Description
sast Command to inventory a SAST environment. This is the default and will be used if no command is selected.
cxone Command to inventory a CXONE tenant.
sca Command to inventory an SCA tenant.

Execution options.

Argument Description If present, access control data will NOT be collected, such as users, teams, roles, and IdP.
--options.detailed-users If present, collect complete users list. By default, the users are not collected.
--options.include-repos If present, include reporitory/branch information in the projects. Not collected by default. If present, exclude scan information from projects. Included by default. If present, exclude triage counts information from projects. Included by default.
--options.projects-filter To select which projects to include in the extraction. All projects included by default.

The projects filter can be set as:

  • A single project ID, like --options.projects-filter 1 (SAST) or --options.projects-filter 5ba5b65-4171-4636-a076-74f2576c1eb3 (SCA or CXONE)
  • An list of project IDs, like --options.projects-filter 1,2,3 (SAST) or --options.projects-filter 95ba5b65-4171-4636-a076-74f2576c1eb3,1bb43b88-4a7b-4cba-b7b7-ae730678999a (SCA or CXONE)
  • A file containing a list of project IDs, like --options.projects-filter "@file(C:\data\filter.txt)"
  • All projects below an ID, exclusive, like --options.projects-filter <2 (SAST only)
  • All projects above an ID, exclusive, like --options.projects-filter >2 (SAST only)
  • All projects below an ID, inclusive, like --options.projects-filter <=2 (SAST only)
  • All projects above an ID, inclusive, like --options.projects-filter >=2 (SAST only)

Optional arguments.

Argument Description
--help To display and help screen.
--debug To log debug information.

Connection parameters, to use the one associated to the system being used (SAST, CXONE, or SCA)

Parameter Description
--sast.url SAST url (i.e.:
--sast.username SAST user name.
--sast.password SAST password.
--sast.insecure Set to "true" to bypass SSL/TLS validation. Defaults to false.
--sast.proxy_url SAST outbound proxy url, if a proxy is used to connect.
--sast.proxy_username SAST proxy user name, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).
--sast.proxy_password SAST proxy password, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).
--cxone.url CXONE portal url (i.e.:
--cxone.iamurl CXONE access management url (i.e.:
--cxone.tenant CXONE tenant name.
--cxone.apikey CXONE api key or client secret if a non "ast-app" client id is used.
--cxone.clientid CXONE client id, defaults to "ast-app".
--cxone.granttype CXONE grant type, defaults to "refresh_token"
--cxone.insecure Set to "true" to bypass SSL/TLS validation. Defaults to false.
--cxone.proxy_url CXONE outbound proxy url, if a proxy is used to connect.
--cxone.proxy_username CXONE proxy user name, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).
--cxone.proxy_password CXONE proxy password, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).
--sca.url SCA portal url (i.e.:
--sca.iamurl SCA access management url (i.e.:
--sca.tenant SCA tenant name.
--sca.username SCA user name.
--sca.password SCA password.
--sca.insecure Set to "true" to bypass SSL/TLS validation. Defaults to false.
--sca.proxy_url SCA outbound proxy url, if a proxy is used to connect.
--sca.proxy_username SCA proxy user name, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).
--sca.proxy_password SCA proxy password, if the proxy requires authentication (basic only).

Examples (command line)

Extract from SAST:

  • Default: cxinventory sast --sast.url --sast.username username --sast.password password
  • Complete: cxinventory sast --sast.url --sast.username username --sast.password password --options.detailed-users --options.include-repos

Extract from CXONE:

  • Default with api-key: cxinventory cxone --cxone.url --cxone.acl --cxone.tenant tenant_name --cxone.apikey api_key
  • Complete with api-key: cxinventory cxone --cxone.url --cxone.acl --cxone.tenant tenant_name --cxone.apikey api_key --options.detailed-users --options.include-repos
  • Default with oauth: cxinventory cxone --cxone.url --cxone.acl --cxone.tenant tenant_name --cxone.clientid client_id --cxone.apikey client_secret
  • Complete with oauth: cxinventory cxone --cxone.url --cxone.acl --cxone.tenant tenant_name --cxone.clientid client_id --cxone.apikey client_secret --options.detailed-users --options.include-repos

Extract from SCA:

  • Default: cxinventory sca --sca.url --sca.acl --sca.tenant tenant_name --sca.username username --sca.password password
  • Complete: cxinventory sca --sca.url --sca.acl --sca.tenant tenant_name --sca.username username --sca.password password --options.detailed-users

Execution output

Up to 10 CSV files are generated with the relevant content, with the names prefixed with the environment type, with the following detail:

CSV File Platforms Description
*_inventorysummary.csv SAST, CXONE, SCA Summary with key items.
*_inventoryconfigurations.csv SAST, CXONE, SCA System information and configuration items.
*_inventoryusers.csv SAST, CXONE, SCA List of users, if options.detailed-users is selected.
*_inventoryteams.csv SAST, SCA List of teams.
*_inventorygroups.csv CXONE List of groups.
*_inventoryroles.csv SAST, CXONE, SCA List of roles.
*_inventoryqueries.csv SAST, CXONE Custom queries.
*_inventorypresets.csv SAST, CXONE Existing presets.
*_inventorypresetqueries.csv SAST, CXONE Queries associated with presets.
*_inventorycustomcategories.csv SAST Existing query categories.
*_inventoryapplications.csv CXONE Existing applications.
*_inventoryprojects.csv SAST, CXONE, SCA List of existing projects.

Required permissions

The authorizations required for execution in each of the platforms are:


Recommended roles: "SAST Admin" and "Access Control Manager", or the minimum permissions:

Permissions Description
manage-users and/or manage-teams Required to retrieve users and teams. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-authentication-providers Required to retrieve external IdP configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-roles Required to retrieve roles. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-engine-servers Required to retrieve engine configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-custom-fields Required to retrieve custom fields. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-issue-tracking-systems Required to retrieve issue tracking (JIRA) configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-pre-post-scan-actions Required to retrieve pre and post scan actions. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-system-settings Required to retrieve system settings. If missing data will not be collected.
save-project or update-project Required to retrieve project scan configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
view-results Required to retrieve scan and scan results data. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.
use-odata Required to retrieve project inventory data. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.


Recommended roles: "ast-viewer" and "iam-admin", or the minimum permissions:

Permissions Description
manage-users and/or manage-teams Required to retrieve users, teams, and roles. If missing data will not be collected.
iam-admin or view-identity-providers Required to retrieve external IdP configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
view-tenant-params Required to retrieve tenant configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
view-queries Required to retrieve queries. If missing data will not be collected.
view-scans Required to retrieve scans. If missing data will not be collected.
view-results Required to retrieve scans results. If missing data will not be collected.
view-preset Required to retrieve presets. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.
view-projects Required to retrieve projects. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.
view-project-params Required to retrieve projects params. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.

Note: on tenants with access management v1 or v2 activated, the roles/permissions are checked at tenant level.


Recommended roles: "SCA Manager" and "Access Control Manager", or the minimum permissions:

Permissions Description
manage-users and/or manage-teams Required to retrieve users and teams. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-authentication-providers Required to retrieve external IdP configurations. If missing data will not be collected.
manage-roles Required to retrieve roles. If missing data will not be collected.
view Required to retrieve projects, scans, and results. Mandatory, if missing the inventory will not run.

Execution benchmarks

The tool uses APIs to collect data. The execution speed depends on the volume of projects and the detail of data being collected.

Below a indicative averages for SAST inventory, for a volume of 11K projects, with different execution options.

Options Avg Duration Description
include-repos 8hrs 30mins All project data is collected: including scans, triage counts, and repository detail.
no-triages 2hrs 30mins Collected project data includes scans but does not include triage counts nor repository detail.
no-scans 4mins Collected project data does not include scans, triage counts, nor repository detail.

Note: Scans, triages, and repository detail, require additional API calls per each project, what explains the duration increase.


Tooling developed using Python. Please use Python3!