Rails app generated with [lewagon/rails-templates] (https://github.com/lewagon/rails-templates), created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.
The Woof mobile app was developed by students as final project of the web development course of Le Wagon.
You want to go with your dog for a walk, and you have to make the most out of it
- especially for your four legged best buddy. Searching for some accompaniment for your buddy can cause a lot of pain - your friends are no dog owners, you have a limited amount of time and talking to strangers in the park becomes creepy sometimes: The Woof app will solve all these problems at ones.
- Ruby (version: 2.6.6)
- Rails (version: 6.1.3)
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Devise (authentication)
- Cloudinary
- Mapbox
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
With the Woof app the user can create a user profile and afterwards a dogs profile for his best buddy. Dog owners are able to choose their favorite dog park and then they can see all the other dogs around that area, which are ready to walk too. Since all of them are ready to go and everyone looks for society - the user chooses his favorite profile.
The main feature of the app is the chat - that makes it possible to organize a play date, stay in contact or just share information. The use of the chatroom depends on a match: For that the user sniffs after choosing another dogs profile and the sniffed one sniffs back. Ones a match is confirmed the user can come back and talk to the other dog owner - because you’ll have an overview with all your chats.
Beside all that the user can look on the Discover page randomly for any dog whose owner is using the app. At this point it seems like some kind of dog tinder: You see a profile - if you like it - sniff it! If you don't - bark and you get another profile. And like before, if the other one sniffs you back, there will be a chatroom available to talk to each other.
After all - users can choose their park and see how many other dogs are available there.
The application is currently online and all the features above are working - but it is still work in progress. There are more features planned - like creating a dogs park and so on.
The Woof app was build by 4 dog enthusiasts:
If you want to get in touch - just ping us here! Suggestions, ideas and helpers are welcome every time.