Code for processing AESA images using transfer learning and the Inception v3 model. The idea here is to take human annotations of deep-sea animals from the Autonomous Ecological Surveying of the Abyss (AESA) project, extract images from those annotations, and using a transfer learning method to train them for automated classification.
This is test code to help evaluate the effectiveness of the transfer learning method for deep-sea animal classification using a deep-learning model.
Both single and multi-label classification can be tested, along with various images distortions, and learning rates.
An example tiled image this is intended to work with:
Images are either classified by group, category, feeding type, or some combination thereof.
This code is based on the TensorFlow example:
- local copy of images and associated annotations in CSV format from the AESA project
- Python version >=2.7.9
- ImageMagick
- Docker
Create virtual environment with correct dependencies
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv-mbari-aesa
$ source venv-mbari-aesa/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Tensorflow, selecting the correct binary for your hardware.
For example, for Mac OS X, CPU only, Python 2.7:
$ export TF_BINARY_URL=
$ pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
See TensorFlow virtual environment installation instructions for more information
Check-out code
$ git clone
Extract the training images from the raw tiles. This will extract the images to a folder called data in your_project_folder
$ cd mbari-aesa
$ python --in_dir /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/M56 tiles/raw/ --annotation_file /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/M56_Annotations_v10.csv
Run single/multi label models with variations in image distortions and learning rate.
Results will be default be written to the directory data/model_output_file. To visualize these results, open them in tensorboard.
Tensorboard can be launched from the Docker image:
$ docker run -v /your_project_folder/mbari-aesa/data/:/tmp/ -it -p 6006:6006 -p 8888:8888
this will launch and run the container, when in the container run the following to launch tensorboard
root@1dc53d81b967:~# tensorboard --logdir /tmp/model_output_final/
then open a web browser to localhost:6006 to view the results
TODO: add information here on the confusion matrix/ROC curve location
Training images for JC062 extracted with
$ python --in_dir /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/JC062/ --out_dir /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/JC062_75pad/ --annotation_file /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/data/JC062_annotations_for_Danelle.csv --by_category
$ python --in_dir /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/JC062/ --out_dir /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/JC062_75pad/ --annotation_file /Volumes/ScratchDrive/AESA/data/JC062_annotations_for_Danelle.csv --by_group
Training images for M53545
$ python --in_dir "/Volumes/My Passport/M535455 tiles/" --out_dir /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/M535455_75pad/images_category --annotation_file /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/M535455_Annotations_v10.csv --by_category --file_format %s.jpg
$ python --in_dir "/Volumes/My Passport/M535455 tiles/" --out_dir /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/M535455_75pad/images_group --annotation_file /Users/dcline/Dropbox/GitHub/mbari-aesa/data/M535455_Annotations_v10.csv --by_group --file_format %s.jpg