ls- List function. This shows all files and daughter directories within your present working directory. The user can add -a to see all files including hidden.
rm- Remove function. Removes a file or directory within terminal. -rf will remove all sub-files and folders.
mkdir- Make directory. This function will create a new directory within your pwd.
cd- Change directory. This function allows the user to navigate their directories by changing to the specified location.
git clone - This function will clone a Github repo to the users local computer. It will download all files held within the github repo and establish a connection (remote tracking) that the user can push/pull from in the future.
touch- This function is used to create files within the pwd. Any file type can be created as specified by the user. For example will create a mark down file.
git add - This function is used to place a file from the working directory into the staging area. Many file can be added at one if this is nessesary.
git commit -m "msg"- This function is used to move the file(s) from the staging area to the git directory. This function will create a incremental log of the file that can be reverted to at any time.
git push origin - This function will push all commits from the specifed branch to Github. Then in Github they can be properly merged and pulled back down to the local repo.
git checkout- Can be used to move from one branch to another. If using the flag "-b" another branch can be created, while "-D" will delete the given branch.
git branch- Used to check what branch the user is currently on and what other branches exist.
subl- Opens the given files in Sublime Text.