Not fully configurable by environment variable
Good article (thanks to @artur.klauser): medium
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
docker buildx build -t "docker-registry.home/darkinito/mopidy:latest" --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6 --push .
Until now, the only way i found, to use private docker registry is to following instruction from @klo2k here If you know an easiest/better way i'm interested
Use environment variable to simplify configuration
It may be overkill to defined SNAPSERVER and SNAPCAST. SNAPCAST variable is only use by (the brilliant) Muse frontend application, in case mopidy, which is run on server side, and muse, on client side (i suppose), does not have the same network .
variable | default | Description |
SNAPSERVER_HOST | localhost | Snapcast server hostname from server side |
SNAPSERVER_PORT | 4953 | Snapcast server audio tcp port |
SNAPSCAST_HOST | localhost | Snapcast server hostname from client (frontend muse) side |
SNAPCAST_PORT | 1780 | Snapcast jsonrpc websocket endpoint for control clients |
SNAPCAST_SSL | false | |
VOLUME_PERCENTAGE | 50 | Mopidy default volume level 50% |
DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH | muse | http server root path |
MEDIA_DIRS | / | Path to media folder |
MOPIDY_HOST | localhost | |
MOPIDY_PORT | 1780 | |
MOPIDY_SSL | false |
docker run --rm -d \
-p 6680:6680 \
-e SNAPSERVER_HOST=snapcast \
-e SNAPSCAST_HOST=snapcast \
-e SNAPCAST_SSL=false \
-e MEDIA_DIRS=/mnt/music \
-e MOPIDY_HOST=localhost \
-e MOPIDY_PORT=1780 \
-e MOPIDY_SSL=false \
-v ./data:/mnt/music \