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Profile dask distributed clusters with py-spy.

import dask
import distributed

from dask_pyspy import pyspy

client = distributed.Client()

df = dask.datasets.timeseries(

with pyspy("worker-profiles"):

Using pyspy or pyspy_on_scheduler attaches a profiler to the Python process, records a profile, and sends the file(s) back to the client.

By default, py-spy profiles are recorded in speedscope format.

dask-pyspy (and, transitively, py-spy) must be installed in the environment where the scheduler is running.

dask-pyspy tries hard to work out-of-the-box, but if your cluster is running inside Docker, or on macOS, you'll need to configure things so it's allowed to run. See the privileges for py-spy section.


python -m pip install dask-pyspy

Make sure this package is also installed in the software environment of your cluster!


The pyspy and pyspy_on_scheduler functions are context managers. Entering them starts py-spy on the workers / scheduler. Exiting them stops py-spy, sends the profile data back to the client, and writes it to disk.

with pyspy_on_scheduler("scheduler-profile.json"):
    # Profile the scheduler.
    # Writes to the `scheduler-profile.json` file locally.

with pyspy("worker-profiles"):
    # Most basic usage.
    # Writes a profile per worker to the `worker-profiles` directory locally.
    # Files are named by worker addresses.

with pyspy("worker-profiles", native=True):
    # Collect stack traces from native extensions written in Cython, C or C++.
    # You should usually turn this on to get much richer profiling information.
    # However, only recommended when your cluster is running on Linux.

with pyspy("worker-profiles", workers=2):
    # Only profile 2 workers (selected randomly)

with pyspy("worker-profiles", workers=['tcp://', 'tcp://']):
    # Profile specific workers by specifying their addresses

with pyspy("worker-profiles", format="flamegraph", gil=True, idle=False, nonblocking=True, extra_pyspy_args=["--foo", "bar"]):
    # Look, you can pass any arguments you want to `py-spy`!
    # Refer to the `py-spy` command reference for what these mean.
    # You don't usually need to do this though. We've picked good defaults for you.

with pyspy("worker-profiles", log_level="info"):
    # Set py-spy's internal log level.
    # Useful if py-spy isn't behaving.
    # Refer to the ``env_logger`` crate for details:

For more information, refer to the docstrings of the functions.

By default, profiles are recorded in speedscope format, so just drop them into to view them.

Tips & tricks

This is a handy pattern:

with pyspy("worker-profiles"):
    input("Press enter when done profiling")
    # or maybe:
    # time.sleep(10)

Ways you can use it:

Profiling a cluster that's already running

  1. Open a second terminal/Jupyter session/etc.
  2. In that session, connect to your existing cluster.
  3. Run the block above. Press enter to stop profiling once you feel like you've got enough.

Profiling part of a longer computation

persisted = my_thing.persist()

with pyspy("worker-profiles"):
    # Watch the dashboard, hit enter when you think you've got enough.
    input("Press enter when done profiling")

# optional, to get actual result:
del persisted

Privileges for py-spy


  • On macOS clusters, you have to launch your cluster with sudo
  • For docker run, pass --cap-add SYS_PTRACE, or download this newer seccomp.json file and use --seccomp=default.json.
  • On Windows clusters, you're on your own, sorry.

You may need to run the dask process as root for py-spy to be able to profile it (especially on macOS). See

In a Docker container, dask-pyspy will "just work" for Docker/moby versions >= 21.xx. As of right now (Nov 2022), Docker 21.xx doesn't exist yet, so read on.

moby/moby#42083 allowlisted by default the process_vm_readv system call that py-spy uses, which used to be blocked unless you set --cap-add SYS_PTRACE. Allowing this specific system call in unprivileged containers has been safe to do for a while (since linux kernel versions > 4.8), but just wasn't enabled in Docker. So your options right now are:

  • (low/no security impact) Download the newer seccomp.json file from moby/master and pass it to Docker via --seccomp=default.json.
  • (more convenient) Pass --cap-add SYS_PTRACE to Docker. This enables more than you need, but it's one less step.

On Ubuntu-based containers, ptrace system calls are further blocked: processes are prohibited from ptracing each other even within the same UID. To work around this, dask-pyspy automatically uses prctl(2) to mark the scheduler process as ptrace-able by itself and any child processes, then launches py-spy as a child process.


  • If you're running something that crashes your cluster, you probably won't be able to get a profile out of it. Transferring results back to the client relies on a stable connection and things in dask all working properly.
  • Profiling slows things down. Especially if using pyspy_on_scheduler, expect noticeably slower results. This is probably not a thing you want to have always-on.
  • This package is very much in development. I made it for my personal use and am sharing in case it's useful. Please don't be mad if it breaks.


Install Poetry. To create a virtual environment, install dev dependencies, and install the package for local development:

$ poetry install

There is one very very basic end-to-end test for py-spy. Running it requires Docker and docker-compose, though the building and running of the containers is managed by pytest-docker-compose, so all you have to do is:

$ pytest tests

and wait a long time for the image to build and run.


Profile the dask distributed scheduler with py-spy and viztracer




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