A script to find a few popular songs (on Google Play (All Access)) of the bands that are performing nearby within the next week (found using JamBase). It adds the songs to a playlist on Google Play so you can listen and discover bands before you miss a chance to see them perform live.
To use this script you need to have:
- Credentials to login to an "All Access" Google Play subscription
- An API key for JamBase, which you can sign up for at http://developer.jambase.com/page
This script depends on the following Python libraries:
- simon-weber/Unofficial-Google-Music-API
- requests
- dasmith/gitpass
First, install the dependencies, e.g.
sudo pip install gmusicapi requests gitpass
Second, request an API key from http://developer.jambase.com/
Third, open the file locallisten.py
in your text editor and edit the parameters at the top of the
# script parameters
zipcode = "02139"
radius_in_miles = "5"
name_of_playlist = "! Bands playing in Cambridge, MA"
Now, run the script:
python locallisten.py
The first time you run the script it will ask you to type in your Google Play password and your JamBase API key. gitpass
saves these as hidden files so you don't have to type them in again.
Dustin Smith
[email protected]