djmercadopago is a simple Django app to use MercadoPago
Most important things to do to get a 'beta' version:
- document security issues
- implement views to receive MP requests
- implement exception handling
- more functional tests / Selenium tests
- separate sample app from unittests
- create a more complete sample app
- use autocommit-style transactions for the djmercadopago:checkout view
Other ideas:
- implement support for 'customized checkout'
- support Django 1.8
- support Python 3
- setup travis-ci
Add "djmercadopago" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'djmercadopago', )
Include the djmercadopago URLconf in your project like this:
url(r'^mp/', include('djmercadopago.urls', namespace="djmercadopago")),
Connect to the 'checkout_preferences_created' signal, to update the checkout preferences:
from django import dispatch from djmercadopago import services from djmercadopago import signals @dispatch.receiver(signals.checkout_preferences_created, sender=services.MercadoPagoService, dispatch_uid='some-id-for-this-signal-handler') def my_checkout_preferences_updater(sender, **kwargs): checkout_preferences = kwargs['checkout_preferences'] user_checkout_identifier = kwargs['user_checkout_identifier'] request = kwargs['request'] # Here you can add items, set back-urls, etc.
Configure your settings:
Run python migrate to create the djmercadopago models.
In your template, add a link to the checkout view:
<a href="{% url 'djmercadopago:checkout' 'USER_CHECKOUT_IDENTIFIER' %}">Checkout</a>
is some identifier of the shopping cart, or purchase order, or whatever you
use to hold the items the user wants to pay. This identifier is passed to the function that populates
the checkout preferences
dict, so you can query the database using that identifier.
If you have the shopping cart contents in session, you won't need an identifier.
Security considerations: since this identifier is used in an URL, anyone can try to guess it. If the identifier
is the ID of some database model, the function that handles the checkout_preferences_created
signal should check the logged in user has permission to see that shopping cart / purchase order / etc.
This signal is dispatched after the checkout_preferences dict is created, and before calling the MP api. This allow the user of django-mercadopago to:
- add items and prices
- set external reference
- add back-urls
Other tasks to do in this signal handler:
- update any other checkout_preferences parameter
- validate user permissions
- create / update any of your models
- etc
The recommended way to use it is to connect to the signals in the
from django import dispatch from djmercadopago import services from djmercadopago import signals @dispatch.receiver(signals.checkout_preferences_created, sender=services.MercadoPagoService, dispatch_uid='some-id-for-this-signal-handler') def my_checkout_preferences_updater(sender, **kwargs): checkout_preferences = kwargs['checkout_preferences'] user_checkout_identifier = kwargs['user_checkout_identifier'] request = kwargs['request'] # Here you can add items, set back-urls, etc.
For example, to set the successful url:
back_urls = checkout_preferences.get('back_urls', {}) checkout_preferences['back_urls'] = back_urls back_urls['success'] = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('successful_checkout'))
For example, to set the items
to purchase, and the external_reference
checkout_preferences.update({ "items": [ { "title": product_info['NAME'], "quantity": 1, "currency_id": "ARS", "unit_price": product_info['PRICE'], } ], "external_reference": external_reference, })
- checkout_preferences
- user_checkout_identifier
- request
Dictionary with the checkout preferences to call the MP api. You need to populate this object with the required information, including items, back urls, etc.
The same string used when created the link to the djmercadopago:checkout
Example: if the URL was generated with:
{% url 'djmercadopago:checkout' %}
the value of user_checkout_identifier
would be the value of
This allows you:
- to create absolute URLs
- get any data from session (in case you use a session-based shopping cart)
- get the User (for example, to validate that the current user is the owner of the
items identified by
Before calling MP API, an instance of Payment
is created. The same instances is
updated with the response received from MP. In the instance, the external_reference
is saved (if you added it to the checkout preferences
) to allow you to track payments.
If you need to save a reference to the Payment
instance, you can register
to the pre_mp_create_preference
and/or post_mp_create_preference
- payment
- user_checkout_identifier
- request
Before calling mercadopago.MP().create_preference()
, an instance of models.Payment
is created and saved
to the database, and this instance is received in the signal handler of pre_mp_create_preference
This is to allow the user associate the payment with one of the user's models.
- payment
- create_preference_result
- user_checkout_identifier
- request
The dict returned by mercadopago.MP().create_preference()