Machine learning prediction of lung cancer metastasis from clinical data patients
First step: mapping of the feature values and normalization into the [0; 1] interval for each feature
Rscript normalization.r
Machine learning methods, instructions on Linux Ubuntu:
linear regression
/usr/bin/Rscript lin_reg.r
k-nearest neighbors
/usr/bin/Rscript knn.r
support vector machines
/usr/bin/Rscript svm.r
decision tree
/usr/bin/Rscript cart.r
one rule
/usr/bin/Rscript oner_class.r
naive bayes
/usr/bin/Rscript naive_bayes.r
random forest classification (top method)
/usr/bin/Rscript random_forest_class.r
deep neural network
th ann_script_val.lua
Chip M. Lynch, Victor H. van Berkel, Hermann B. Frieboes. "Application of unsupervised analysis techniques to lung cancer patient data". PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184370, 2017.