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feat: layout_rename_ph_labels() to rename ph labels in layouts (#610)
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add layout_rename_ph_labels() to rename ph labels (#610).
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markheckmann authored Sep 30, 2024
1 parent 1ea1c95 commit 856d3b0
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Showing 15 changed files with 769 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: officer
Title: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents
Authors@R: c(
person("David", "Gohel", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Stefan", "Moog", , "[email protected]", role = "aut"),
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ S3method(print,fp_cell)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ S3method(update,fp_text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +243,7 @@ export(hyperlink_ftext)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ informative error message if the type is not present in layout (#601).

## Features

- add `layout_dedupe_ph_labels()` to handle duplicate placholder labels (#589).
- `layout_rename_ph_labels()` to rename ph labels (#610).
- add `layout_dedupe_ph_labels()` to handle duplicate placeholder labels (#589).
By default, it will only detect duplicate labels, but apply no changes. With
`action = "rename"`, it auto-renames duplicate labels and `action = "delete"`
deletes duplicates, only keeping their first occurence.
deletes duplicates, only keeping their first occurrence.
- new convenience functions `body_replace_gg_at_bkm()` and `body_replace_plot_at_bkm()`
to replace text content enclosed in a bookmark with a ggplot or a base plot.
- add `unit` (in, cm, mm) argument in function `page_size()`.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/ph_location.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, type_idx = NULL, position_right,
props <- layout_properties(x, layout = layout, master = master)

if (!is.null(ph_id)) {
ids <- sort(na.omit(as.numeric(props$id)))
ids <- sort(stats::na.omit(as.numeric(props$id)))
if (length(ids) <= 20) {
.all_ids_switch <- c("x" = "Available ids: {.val {ids}}.") # only if few ids
} else {
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197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions R/ppt_ph_rename_layout.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#' Change ph labels in a layout
#' There are two versions of the function. The first takes a set of key-value pairs to rename the
#' ph labels. The second uses a right hand side (rhs) assignment to specify the new ph labels.
#' See section *Details*. \cr\cr
#' _NB:_ You can also rename ph labels directly in PowerPoint. Open the master template view
#' (`Alt` + `F10`) and go to `Home` > `Arrange` > `Selection Pane`.
#' @details
#' * Note the difference between the terms `id` and `index`. Both can be found in the output of
#' [layout_properties()]. The unique ph `id` is found in column `id`. The `index` refers to the
#' index of the data frame row.
#' * In a right hand side (rhs) label assignment (`<- new_labels`), there are two ways to
#' optionally specify a subset of phs to rename. In both cases, the length of the rhs vector
#' (the new labels) must match the length of the id or index:
#' 1. use the `id` argument to specify ph ids to rename: `layout_rename_ph_labels(..., id = 2:3) <- new_labels`
#' 2. use an `index` in squared brackets: `layout_rename_ph_labels(...)[1:2] <- new_labels`
#' @export
#' @rdname layout_rename_ph_labels
#' @param x An `rpptx` object.
#' @param layout Layout name or index. Index is the row index of [layout_summary()].
#' @param master Name of master. Only required if the layout name is not unique across masters.
#' @param ... Comma separated list of key-value pairs to rename phs. Either reference a ph via its label
#' (`"old label"` = `"new label"`) or its unique id (`"id"` = `"new label"`).
#' @param .dots Provide a named list or vector of key-value pairs to rename phs
#' (`list("old label"` = `"new label"`).
#' @param id Unique placeholder id (see column `id` in [layout_properties()] or [plot_layout_properties()]).
#' @param value Not relevant for user. A pure technical necessity for rhs assignments.
#' @return Vector of renamed ph labels.
#' @example inst/examples/example_layout_rename_ph_labels.R
layout_rename_ph_labels <- function(x, layout, master = NULL, ..., .dots = NULL) {
stop_if_not_rpptx(x, "x")
dots <- list(...)
dots <- c(dots, .dots)
if (length(dots) > 0 && !is_named(dots)) {
c("Unnamed arguments are not allowed.",
"x" = "Arguments {.arg ...} and {.arg .dots} both require key value pairs."
call = NULL

l <- get_layout(x, layout, master)
lp <- layout_properties(x, l$layout_name, l$master_name)
if (length(dots) == 0) {
df_renames <- .rename_df_from_dots(lp, dots)
.set_ph_labels(l, df_renames)

lp <- layout_properties(x, l$layout_name, l$master_name)

#' @export
#' @rdname layout_rename_ph_labels
`layout_rename_ph_labels<-` <- function(x, layout, master = NULL, id = NULL, value) {
l <- get_layout(x, layout, master)
lp <- layout_properties(x, l$layout_name, l$master_name)

if (!is.null(id)) {
if (length(id) != length(value)) {
c("{.arg id} and rhs vector must have the same length",
"x" = "Number of ids ({.val {length(id)}}) and assigned values ({.val {length(value)}}) differ"
wrong_ids <- setdiff(id, lp$id)
n_wrong <- length(wrong_ids)
if (n_wrong > 0) {
"{cli::qty(n_wrong)} {?This/These} id{?s} {?does/do} not exist: {.val {wrong_ids}}",
"x" = "Choose one of: {.val {lp$id}}",
"i" = cli::col_grey("Also see {.code plot_layout_properties(..., '{l$layout_name}', '{l$master_nam}')}")
.idx <- match(id, lp$id) # user might enter ids in arbitrary order
lp$ph_label[.idx] <- value
value <- lp$ph_label
names(value) <- lp$id
df_renames <- .rename_df_from_dots(lp, value)
.set_ph_labels(l, df_renames)

# heuristic: if a number, then treat as ph_id
.detect_ph_id <- function(x) {
suppressWarnings({ # avoid character to NA warning
! # nchar(x) == 1 &

# create data frame with: ph_id, ph_label, ph_label_new as a
# basis for subsequent renaming
# CAVEAT: the ph order in layout_properties() (i.e. get_xfrm_data()) is reference for the user.
# Using the 'slide_layout' object's xfrm() method does not yield the same ph order!
# We need to guarantee a proper match here.
.rename_df_from_dots <- function(lp, dots) {
lp <- lp[, c("id", "ph_label")]
label_old <- names(dots)
label_new <- as.character(dots)
is_id <- .detect_ph_id(label_old)
is_label <- !is_id

# warn if renaming a duplicate label
ii <- duplicated(lp$ph_label)
dupes <- lp$ph_label[ii]
dupes_used <- intersect(label_old, dupes)
n_dupes_used <- length(dupes_used)
if (n_dupes_used > 0) {
"When renaming a label with duplicates, only the first occurrence is renamed.",
"x" = "Renaming {n_dupes_used} ph label{?s} with duplicates: {.val {dupes_used}}"
), call = NULL)

# check for duplicate renames
is_dupe <- duplicated(label_old)
if (any(is_dupe)) {
dupes <- unique(label_old[is_dupe])
n_dupes <- length(dupes)
"Each id or label must only have one rename entry only.",
"x" = "Found {n_dupes} duplicate id{?s}/label{?s} to rename: {.val {dupes}}"
), call = NULL)

# match by label and check for unknown labels
label_old_ <- label_old[is_label]
row_idx_label <- match(label_old_, table = lp$ph_label)
i_wrong <-
n_wrong <- sum(i_wrong)
if (n_wrong > 0) {
"Can't rename labels that don't exist.",
"x" = "{cli::qty(n_wrong)}{?This label does/These labels do} not exist: {.val {label_old_[i_wrong]}}"
), call = NULL)

# match by id and check for unknown ids
id_old_ <- label_old[is_id]
row_idx_id <- match(id_old_, table = lp$id)
i_wrong <-
n_wrong <- sum(i_wrong)
if (n_wrong > 0) {
"Can't rename ids that don't exist.",
"x" = "{cli::qty(n_wrong)}{?This id does/These ids do} not exist: {.val {id_old_[i_wrong]}}"
), call = NULL)

# check for collision between label and id
idx_collision <- intersect(row_idx_label, row_idx_id)
n_collision <- length(idx_collision)
if (n_collision > 0) {
df <- lp[idx_collision, c("id", "ph_label")]
pairs <- paste(df$ph_label, "<-->", df$id)
"Either specify the label {.emph OR} the id of the ph to rename, not both.",
"x" = "These labels and ids collide: {.val {pairs}}"
), call = NULL)

lp$ph_label_new <- NA
lp$ph_label_new[row_idx_label] <- label_new[is_label]
lp$ph_label_new[row_idx_id] <- label_new[is_id]
lp[!$ph_label_new), , drop = FALSE]

.set_ph_labels <- function(l, df_renames) {
if (!inherits(l, "layout_info")) {
c("{.arg l} must a a {.cls layout_info} object",
"x" = "Got {.cls {class(l)[1]}} instead"
call = NULL
layout_xml <- l$slide_layout$get()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_renames))) {
cnvpr_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(layout_xml, sprintf("p:cSld/p:spTree/*/p:nvSpPr/p:cNvPr[@id='%s']", df_renames$id[i]))
xml2::xml_set_attr(cnvpr_node, "name", df_renames$ph_label_new[i])
l$slide_layout$save() # persist changes in slide layout xml file
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/pptx_informations.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ layout_properties <- function(x, layout = NULL, master = NULL) {
data[["cy"]] <- data[["cy"]] / 914400
data[["rotation"]] <- data[["rotation"]] / 60000

rownames(data) <- NULL

Expand Down
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions R/pptx_layout_helper.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
#' Layout selection helper
#' Select a layout by name or index. The master name is inferred and only required
#' for disambiguation in case the layout name is not unique across masters.
#' @param x An `rpptx` object.
#' @param layout Layout name or index. Index refers to the row index of the [layout_summary()]
#' output.
#' @param master Name of master. Only required if layout name is not unique across masters.
#' @return A `<layout_info>` object, i.e. a list with the entries `index`, `layout_name`,
#' `layout_file`, `master_name`, `master_file`, and `slide_layout`.
#' @keywords internal
get_layout <- function(x, layout, master = NULL) {
stop_if_not_rpptx(x, "x")
if (!(is.numeric(layout) || is.character(layout))) {
c("{.arg layout} must be {.cls numeric} or {.cls character}",
"x" = "Got class {.cls {class(layout)[1]}} instead"
if (length(layout) != 1) {
c("{.arg layout} is not length 1",
"x" = "{.arg layout} must be {.emph one} layout name or index."
df <- x$slideLayouts$get_metadata()
names(df)[2:3] <- c("layout_name", "layout_file") # consistent naming
n_layouts <- nrow(df)
df$index <- seq_len(n_layouts)

if (n_layouts == 0) {
cli::cli_alert_danger("No layouts available.")

if (is.numeric(layout)) {
res <- get_row_by_index(df, layout)
} else {
res <- get_row_by_name(df, layout, master)
l <- as.list(res)
slide_layout <- x$slideLayouts$collection_get(l$layout_file)
l <- c(l, slide_layout = slide_layout)
l <- l[c("index", "layout_name", "layout_file", "master_name", "master_file", "slide_layout")] # nice order
class(l) <- c("layout_info", "list")

# else {
# # multiple layouts
# layout_exists(x, layout, must_exist = TRUE)
# layout_is_unique(x, layout, require_unique = TRUE)
# index <- which(df$layout_name == layout)
# }
# index <- which(df$layout_name == layout)
# l <- df[index, ] |> as.list()
# # l <- c(index = index, l, slide_layout = slide_layout)

#' @export
print.layout_info <- function(x, ...) {
cli::cli_h3("{.cls layout_info} object")
str(utils::head(x, -1), give.attr = FALSE, no.list = TRUE)
cat(" $ slide_layout: 'R6' <slide_layout>")

get_row_by_index <- function(df, layout) {
index <- layout
if (!index %in% df$index) {
c("Layout index out of bounds.",
"x" = "Index must be between {.val {1}} and {.val {nrow(df)}}.",
"i" = cli::col_grey("See row indexes in {.fn layout_summary}")
call = NULL
df[index, ]

# select layout by name
get_row_by_name <- function(df, layout, master) {
if (!is.null(master)) {
masters <- unique(df$master_name)
if (!master %in% masters) {
"master {.val {master}} does not exist.",
"i" = "See {.fn layout_summary} for available masters."
), call = NULL)
df <- df[df$master_name == master, ]

df <- df[df$layout_name == layout, ]
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
msg <- ifelse(is.null(master),
"Layout {.val {layout}} does not exist",
"Layout {.val {layout}} does not exist in master {.val {master}}"
cli::cli_abort(c(msg, "i" = "See {.fn layout_summary} for available layouts."), call = NULL)
if (nrow(df) > 1) {
"Layout exists in more than one master",
"x" = "Please specify the master name in arg {.arg master}"
), call = NULL)

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