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fix: consistent use of term id across layout_properties(), ph_locat…
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…ion_type(), plot_layout_properties()
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markheckmann authored Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 04c9dcb commit 865364c
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Showing 27 changed files with 384 additions and 151 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Type: Package
Package: officer
Title: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents
Authors@R: c(
person("David", "Gohel", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Stefan", "Moog", , "[email protected]", role = "aut"),
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ top to bottom and left to right.
- `ph_location_type()` now throws an error if the `id` for a `type` is out of range (#602) and a more
informative error message if the type is not present in layout (#601).
- `plot_layout_properties()` assignment order fixed for `labels= FALSE` (#604)
- `layout_properties()` gains a `type_idx` column to index phs of the same type on a layout. Indexing is performed based on ph position, following a top-to-bottom, left-to-right order. (#606).
- `plot_layout_properties()` plots more information by default now: layout name, ph label, ph id, ph type + index by default (#606).
- `ph_location_type()`: new `type_idx` arg replaces the deprecated `id` arg (#606).

## Features

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111 changes: 84 additions & 27 deletions R/ph_location.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, position_right, position_top, id = NULL) {

# id is deprecated and replaced by type_idx. Will be removed soon
get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, type_idx = NULL, position_right, position_top,
id = NULL, ph_id = NULL) {
props <- layout_properties(x, layout = layout, master = master)
types_on_layout <- unique(props$type)
props <- props[props$type %in% type, , drop = FALSE]
Expand All @@ -10,7 +13,7 @@ get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, position_right, position_top, id
"i" = cli::col_grey("see {.code layout_properties(x, '{layout}', '{master}')}")
), call = NULL)

# id and type_idx are both used for now. 'id' is deprecated. The following code block can be removed in the future.
if (!is.null(id)) {
if (!id %in% 1L:nr) {
Expand All @@ -22,7 +25,23 @@ get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, position_right, position_top, id
call = NULL
props <- props[id, , drop = FALSE]
# the ordering of 'type_idx' (top->bottom, left-righ) is different than for the 'id' arg (index
# along the id colomn). Here, we restore the old ordering, to avoid a breaking change.
props <- props[order(props$type, as.integer(props$id)), ] # set order for type idx. Removing the line would result in the default layout properties order, i.e., top->bottom left->right.
props$.id <- stats::ave(props$type, props$master_name, props$name, props$type, FUN = seq_along)
props <- props[props$.id == id, , drop = FALSE]
} else if (!is.null(type_idx)) {
if (!type_idx %in% props$type_idx) {
"{.arg type_idx} is out of range.",
"x" = "Must be between {.val {1L}} and {.val {max(props$type_idx)}} for ph type {.val {type}}.",
"i" = cli::col_grey("see {.code layout_properties(..., layout = '{layout}', master = '{master}')} for indexes of type '{type}'")
call = NULL
props <- props[props$type_idx == type_idx, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
if (position_right) {
props <- props[props$offx + 0.0001 > max(props$offx), ]
Expand All @@ -45,20 +64,24 @@ get_ph_loc <- function(x, layout, master, type, position_right, position_top, id

as_ph_location <- function(x, ...){
if( ! ){
stop("x should be a data.frame")
as_ph_location <- function(x, ...) {
if (! {
c("{.arg x} must be a data frame.",
"x" = "You provided {.cls {class(x)[1]}} instead.")
ref_names <- c( "width", "height", "left", "top",
"ph_label", "ph", "type", "rotation", "fld_id", "fld_type")
if (!all(is.element(ref_names, names(x) ))) {
ref_names <- c(
"width", "height", "left", "top", "ph_label", "ph", "type", "rotation", "fld_id", "fld_type"
if (!all(is.element(ref_names, names(x)))) {
stop("missing column values:", paste0(setdiff(ref_names, names(x)), collapse = ","))

out <- x[ref_names]

#' @export
#' @title Eval a location on the current slide
#' @description Eval a shape location against the current slide.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,6 +220,7 @@ fortify_location.location_template <- function( x, doc, ...){

#' @export
#' @title Location of a placeholder based on a type
#' @description The function will use the type name of the placeholder (e.g. body, title),
Expand All @@ -206,14 +230,20 @@ fortify_location.location_template <- function( x, doc, ...){
#' @param position_right the parameter is used when a selection with above
#' parameters does not provide a unique position (for example
#' layout 'Two Content' contains two element of type 'body').
#' If \code{TRUE}, the element the most on the right side will be selected,
#' If `TRUE`, the element the most on the right side will be selected,
#' otherwise the element the most on the left side will be selected.
#' @param position_top same than \code{position_right} but applied
#' @param position_top same than `position_right` but applied
#' to top versus bottom.
#' @param id index of the placeholder. If two body placeholder, there can be
#' two different index: 1 and 2 for the first and second body placeholders defined
#' in the layout. If this argument is used, \code{position_right} and \code{position_top}
#' will be ignored.
#' @param type_idx Type index of the placeholder. If there is more than one
#' placeholder of a type (e.g., `body`), the type index can be supplied to uniquely
#' identify a ph. The index is a running number starting at 1. It is assigned by
#' placeholder position (top -> bottom, left -> right). See [plot_layout_properties()]
#' for details. If `idx` argument is used, `position_right` and `position_top`
#' are ignored.
#' @param id (**DEPRECATED, use `type_idx` instead**) Index of the placeholder.
#' If two body placeholder, there can be two different index: 1 and 2 for the
#' first and second body placeholders defined in the layout. If this argument
#' is used, `position_right` and `position_top` will be ignored.
#' @param newlabel a label to associate with the placeholder.
#' @param ... unused arguments
#' @family functions for placeholder location
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +274,23 @@ fortify_location.location_template <- function( x, doc, ...){
#' fileout <- tempfile(fileext = ".pptx")
#' print(doc, target = fileout)
ph_location_type <- function(type = "body", position_right = TRUE, position_top = TRUE, newlabel = NULL, id = NULL, ...) {
ph_location_type <- function(type = "body", type_idx = NULL, position_right = TRUE, position_top = TRUE,
newlabel = NULL, id = NULL, ...) {
# the following two warnings can be deleted after the deprecated id arg is removed.
if (!is.null(id) && !is.null(type_idx)) {
cli::cli_warn("{.arg id} is ignored if {.arg type_idx} is provided ")
if (!is.null(id) && is.null(type_idx)) {
"!" = "The {.arg id} argument in {.fn ph_location_type} is deprecated as of {.pkg officer} 0.6.7.",
"i" = "Please use the {.arg type_idx} argument instead.",
"x" = cli::col_red("Caution: new index logic in {.arg type_idx} (see docs).")

ph_types <- c(
"ctrTitle", "subTitle", "dt", "ftr", "sldNum", "title", "body",
"pic", "chart", "tbl", "dgm", "media", "clipArt"
Expand All @@ -257,30 +303,39 @@ ph_location_type <- function(type = "body", position_right = TRUE, position_top
call = NULL
x <- list(type = type, position_right = position_right, position_top = position_top, id = id, label = newlabel)
x <- list(
type = type, type_idx = type_idx, position_right = position_right,
position_top = position_top, id = id, label = newlabel
class(x) <- c("location_type", "location_str")

#' @export
fortify_location.location_type <- function( x, doc, ...){

fortify_location.location_type <- function(x, doc, ...) {
slide <- doc$slide$get_slide(doc$cursor)
xfrm <- slide$get_xfrm()
args <- list(...)

layout <- ifelse(is.null(args$layout), unique( xfrm$name ), args$layout)
master <- ifelse(is.null(args$master), unique( xfrm$master_name ), args$master)
out <- get_ph_loc(doc, layout = layout, master = master,
type = x$type, position_right = x$position_right,
position_top = x$position_top, id = x$id)
if( !is.null(x$label) )
layout <- ifelse(is.null(args$layout), unique(xfrm$name), args$layout)
master <- ifelse(is.null(args$master), unique(xfrm$master_name), args$master)

# to avoid a breaking change, the deprecated id is passed along.
# As type_idx uses a different index order than id, this is necessary until the id arg is removed.
out <- get_ph_loc(doc,
layout = layout, master = master,
type = x$type, position_right = x$position_right,
position_top = x$position_top, type_idx = x$type_idx,
id = x$id, ph_id = NULL # id is deprecated and will be removed soon
if (!is.null(x$label)) {
out$ph_label <- x$label


#' @export
#' @title Location of a named placeholder
#' @description The function will use the label of a placeholder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,6 +369,7 @@ ph_location_label <- function( ph_label, newlabel = NULL, ...){

#' @export
fortify_location.location_label <- function( x, doc, ...){

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,6 +401,7 @@ fortify_location.location_label <- function( x, doc, ...){


#' @export
#' @title Location of a full size element
#' @description The function will return the location corresponding
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/ppt_class_dir_collection.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ dir_collection <- R6Class(
dir_ <- file.path(package_dir, container$dir_name())
private$package_dir <- package_dir
filenames <- list.files(path = dir_, pattern = "\\.xml$", full.names = TRUE)
filenames <- sort_vec_by_index(filenames) # see issue 596
filenames <- sort_vec_by_index(filenames) # see issue #596
private$collection <- lapply( filenames, function(x, container){
}, container = container)
Expand Down

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