R code for "Trends in Hypertension Clinical Trials Focused on Interventions Specific for African Americans: An analysis of ClinicalTrials.gov"
This is the R code to parse ClinicalTrials.gov data compiled by AACT. Running the file "bloodPressureTrials_handCuratedFile.R" will reproduce the figures and generate the compiled data present in the JAHA paper "Trends in Hypertension Clinical Trials Focused on Interventions Specific for Africa Americans: An analysis of ClinicalTrials.gov".
The source directory/working directory should be set to wherever this R file is saved, and the csv file "nct_race_final.csv" should be within the same directory. After running the "bloodPressureTrials_handCuratedFile.R" script, a datafile titled "htnRdata_9_16_2020.rds" will be created. This can be used in the "bloodPressureTrials_loadExisting_handCuratedFile.R".
Before running the "bloodPressureTrials_handCuratedFile.R" script, an individual must make an account with the
AACT website via the following link.
To run the "bloodPressureTrials_loadExisting_handCuratedFile.R", a database account is not needed. Therefore, if one wishes to use the existing compiled data and CSV, the above script can be used.
Within the R script "bloodPressureTrials_handCuratedFile.R" are several variables that should be set before running the script.
savePlot - this variable is boolean (TRUE/FALSE), and determines whether the plots generated will be saved in the working directory.
saveData - this variable is boolean (TRUE/FALSE), and determines whether the data generated will be saved in the working directory.
userAACT - this variable needs to be set as a string to whatever user name the user has setup with the above link. e.g. "user_name".
passwordAACT - this variable needs to be set as a string to whatever password the user has setup with the above link. e.g. "user_name".
R Packages required for running this analysis.
Install with install.packges('packageName')
BSD-3 License
David Caldwell, on behalf of the coauthors