As of September, 2024, Zillow/Bridge has limited API access to busineses.
This ends seven years of acccessability to this API.
This project is now archived.
Python based AWS Lambda function for checking the Zillow Zestimate of a given property value.
When triggered, this function pulls a CSV from a configured S3 location and the current Zillow Zestimate (including rental estimates) for a specified property. If the date of the last update to the Zestimate is newer than the last date in the file, a message is published to an SNS topic with the new value and the full Zestimate response is appended to the CSV.
Zestimates API documentation:
- zaddress - Address to track
- zwsid - Bridge Interactive API Server Token (for server-to-server communication)
- bucket_name - S3 bucket name to store Zestimate history
- bucket_key - S3 object name to store Zestimate history
- sns_topic_arn - SNS topic to publish to when new updates available
Continuous Deployment is done via the GitHub Actions workflow. Alternatively, the included Makefile will build a ZIP file which can be deployed to AWS Lambda. This ZIP file will include all dependencies (including Pandas, and therefore rather large).
This project is governed by a Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by these terms.
The MIT License applies.