A Perl class that contains information about the various international Amazon sites.
Hopefully, these are all green.
use Amazon::Sites;
my $az = Amazon::Sites->new;
my $az_uk = $az->site('UK');
say $az_uk->currency; # GBP
say $az_uk->tldn; # co.uk
say $az_uk->domain; # amazon.co.uk
For more documentation visit:
Or run perldoc Amazon::Sites
once you have installed the module.
The traditional way to install a Perl module is to download the latest zipped tarball from CPAN (https://metacpan.org/dist/Amazon-Sites) and then run through the following steps:
unzip Amazon-Sites-X.X.X.tar.gz
tar xvf Amazon-Sites-X.X.X.tar
cd Amazon-Sites-X.X.X
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
But there are programs that make this easier. For example, cpan
comes as
part of the standard Perl installation:
cpan Amazon::Sites
And many people use cpanm
cpanm Amazon::Sites
The code is maintained on GitHub.
All issues are tracked on GitHub:
- Dave Cross [email protected]