Pythonowa szarańcza
title: | Pythonowa Szarańcza |
css: | css/my.css |
Software Engineer at Nokia
O mnie | ||
rodzina | 10-ty rok małżeństwa 2 synów - Filip i Damian |
praca | 13-ty rok pracy
Specjalizuje się w autmatyzacji testów i nie tylko |
sport | Triathlon
początki zabawy z triathlonem |
open source | dduleba_github | kontrybucje do radish-bdd wdna (webowe narzędzia wspierające analizy dna) locust_dockprom - dockprom + locust exporter |
- bierzący status na kwiecień 2019
- Proces testowania mający na celu określenie wydajności oprogramowania.
Rodzaj testowania | Opis | Przypadki testowe w praktyce |
endurance (stabilności) | Skupienie na stabilności systemu w przedziala czasu Weryfikuje brak problemów z zasobami (np. wycieki pamięci, połącenia do bazy, pula wątków) | 72 godzinne testy przy stałym obciążeniu. scenariusze użytkowników bez przeciążania systemu |
stress (przeciążające) | Typ testowania wydajnościowego wykonywany, by określić jak system lub jego moduł pracuje na przewidywanej lub wyspecyfikowanej granicy lub poza nią lub też przy ograniczonym dostępie do pamięci lub serwera. | 5 minutowe testy skupiające się na konkretnym obszarze. Ich celem jest określenie maksymalnej wydajności przy ograniczonych zasobach |
Pozostałe rodzaje testowania wydajnościowego:
Load (obciążeniowe), Scalability (skalowalności), Spike, Concurrency (równoległości przetwarzania), Capacity
- Types of performance testing:
- Load Testing (Testowanie obciążeniowe)
- Stress Testing (Testowanie przeciążające)
- Scalability Testing (Testowanie skalowalności)
- Spike Testing
- Endurance Testing
- Concurrency Testing (testowanie równoległości przetwarzania)
- Capacity Testing
- Types of performance tests:
- static testing
- dynamic testing
- Performance Testing
- Performance testing is an umbrella term including any kind of testing focused on performance (responsiveness) of the system or component under different volumes of load.
- Load Testing
- Load testing focuses on the ability of a system to handle increasing levels of anticipated realistic loads resulting from transaction requests generated by controlled numbers of concurrent users or processes.
- Stress Testing
- Stress testing focuses on the ability of a system or component to handle peak loads that are at or beyond the limits of its anticipated or specified workloads. Stress testing is also used to evaluate a system’s ability to handle reduced availability of resources such as accessible computing capacity, available bandwidth, and memory.
- Scalability Testing
- Scalability testing focuses on the ability of a system to meet future efficiency requirements which may be beyond those currently required. The objective of these tests is to determine the system’s ability to grow (e.g., with more users, larger amounts of data stored) without violating the currently specified performance requirements or failing. Once the limits of scalability are known, threshold values can be set and monitored in production to provide a warning of problems which may be about to arise.. In addition the production environment may be adjusted with appropriate amounts of hardware.
- Spike Testing
- Spike testing focuses on the ability of a system to respond correctly to sudden bursts of peak loads and return afterwards to a steady state.
- Endurance Testing
- Endurance testing focuses on the stability of the system over a time frame specific to the system’s operational context. This type of testing verifies that there are no resource capacity problems (e.g., memory leaks, database connections, thread pools) that may eventually degrade performance and/or cause failures at breaking points.
- Concurrency Testing
- Concurrency testing focuses on the impact of situations where specific actions occur simultaneously (e.g., when large numbers of users log in at the same time). Concurrency issues are notoriously difficult to find and reproduce, particularly when the problem occurs in an environment where testing has little or no control, such as production.
- Capacity Testing
- Capacity testing determines how many users and/or transactions a given system will support and still meet the stated performance objectives. These objectives may also be stated with regard to the data volumes resulting from the transactions.
Nazwa | Opis |
Gatling | Open sourceowe narzędzie do generowania obciążenia. Potężne narzędzie z możliwością nagrywania ruchu webowego z kolorowymi raportami. |
locust | Open sourceowe narzędzie do generowania obciążenia. Umożliwia definicje zachowania użytkownika Scenariusze użytkownika w kodzie python'owym
dockprom | Rozwiązanie do monitorowania hostów oraz konterów Dockerowych |
locust_exporter | exporeter statystyk locusta dla Prometheus'a |
NOTE: Narzęzdia z których korzystamy w naszej grupie w bieżących projektach NOTE: Na potrzeby prezentacji udało mi się stworzyć ciekawy projeckt dockprom + locust_exporter = locust_dockprom
Tworzenie virtualenv'a - virtualenvwrapper
$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 locust
Instalacja locusta
(locust)$ pip install locustio
Wczytanie virtualnego środowiska
$ source $ workon locust (locust)$ locust --help
dokumentacja instalacji_locusta
Docker file z locustio
FROM python:3.6.6-alpine3.8
RUN apk --no-cache add g++ \
&& apk --no-cache add zeromq-dev \
&& pip install locustio pyzmq
EXPOSE 8089 5557 5558
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/locust"]
$ cd ~/git/locust/
$ docker build --tag locustio/locust .
Docker z wykorzystaniem za pomocą exec'a
FROM locustio/locust
WORKDIR /locust
env PYTHONPATH /locust
CMD ["tail","-f","/dev/null"]
$ cd ~/git/locust-presentation/examples/packaging
$ docker build --tag dduleba/locust .
# to mount examples/flaskr/ we need to chage directory
$ cd ~/git/locust-presentation
$ docker run --restart unless-stopped \
--network host -d \
--name locustd -p 8089:8089 \
--mount src="$(pwd)",target=/locust,type=bind dduleba/locust
Opcja | dockprom | locust_exporter | locust_dockprom | detale |
Prometheus | tak | tak | Monitoring system & time series database | |
Grafana | tak | tak | The open platform for analytics and monitoring | |
cAdvisor | tak | tak | Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. | |
NodeExporter | tak | tak | Prometheus exporter for machine metrics | |
AlertManager | tak | tak | handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server | |
locust exporter for prometheus | tak | tak | python library | |
locust exporter on docker | w odpowiednim forku | odporny na restarty locusta | ||
locust exporter with prometheus | tak | |||
locust exporter with grafana | tak |
Wybudowanie kontenera dla locust_exporter
git clone
cd locust_exporter
docker build --tag locust_exporter .
Wytartowanie locust_dockprom
git clone
cd locust-dockprom
# LOUST_HOST - LOCUST HOST ADDR (reachable from docker)
export LOCUST_HOST=`ip -4 addr show scope global dev docker0 | grep inet | awk '{print \$2}' | cut -d / -f 1`
docker-compose up -d
flask flaskr example
$ cd ~/git/
$ git clone
$ cd ~/git/flask/examples/tutorial/
$ export FLASK_APP=flaskr
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask init-db
$ flask run
FROM python:3-alpine
ADD . /app
RUN pip install -e .
ENV FLASK_ENV development
RUN flask init-db
ENTRYPOINT ["flask"]
CMD ["run","--host",""]
$ docker build --tag flaskr:alpine .
$ docker run \
--cpus 1.0 \
--memory 4G \
--restart unless-stopped \
-d \
-p 5000:5000 \
--name flaskr \
Requests - HTTP dla ludzi
from random import random
import requests
# Initial condition
user_id = random()
username = 'test_user_{}'.format(user_id)
userpassword = 'test_user_pass_{}'.format(user_id)
# Pobranie głównej strony
session = requests.Session()
r = session.get('http://localhost:5000/')
print('get status code: ', r.status_code)
print('get content: ', r.content)
# rejestracja użytkownika - HTTP post request
r ='http://localhost:5000/auth/register',
data={'username': username,
'password': userpassword})
print('register status code: ', r.status_code)
r ='http://localhost:5000/auth/login',
data={'username': username,
'password': userpassword})
print('login status code: ', r.status_code)
print('login cookies: ', session.cookies)
r ='http://localhost:5000/create',
data={'title': 'post example by {}'.format(username),
'body': 'witam na ŁuczniczQA meetup'})
print('post add status code: ', r.status_code)
session = requests.Session()
r = session.get('http://localhost:5000/')
print('get status code: ', r.status_code)
Każda instancja TaskSet'a (HTTPLocust'a) zawiera atrybut client HttpSession. Klasa HttpSession dziedziczy z requests.Session
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task
class IndexTaskSet(TaskSet):
def index(self):
class IndexLocust(HttpLocust):
task_set = IndexTaskSet
min_wait = 5000
max_wait = 10000
$ workon locust
$ cd ~/git/locust-presentation/examples/flaskr/posts_list
$ locust
# rejestracja użytkownika - HTTP post request
r ='http://localhost:5000/auth/register',
data={ 'username': username, 'password': userpassword })
print('register status code: ', r.status_code)
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task
class UserRegisterTaskSet(TaskSet):
def on_start(self):
self.prefix = id(self)
self.user_id = 0
def user_register(client, user_name, user_password):
'username': user_name,
'password': user_password
def register(self):
self.user_id += 1
user_name = 'test_user_{}'.format(self.prefix, self.user_id)
user_password = 'test_user_password_{}'.format(self.user_id)
self.user_register(self.client, user_name, user_password)
class IndexLocust(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserRegisterTaskSet
min_wait = 5000
max_wait = 10000
host = ''
- Kontener locustd musi być uruchomiony
- docker run ..
- po przekazaniu argumentu --restart unless-stopped nie musimy już o tym pamiętać
- montujemy źródła testów do katalogu /locust
- kontener zawiera PYTHONPATH do katalogu /locust
- daje to możliwość z korzystania z package'a w naszym przypadku examples
$ cd ~/git/locust-presentation
$ docker run --restart unless-stopped \
--network host -d \
--name locustd -p 8089:8089 \
--mount src="$(pwd)",target=/locust,type=bind dduleba/locust
Zatrzymanie poprzedniego run'u locust'a
docker exec locustd pkill -f locust
Uruchomienie locusta
docker exec locustd locust -f examples/flaskr/user_all_actions/
from examples.flaskr.user_add_post.locustfile import UserAddPostTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_login.locustfile import UserLoginTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_register.locustfile import UserRegisterTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.utils import _get_post_id
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSequence, seq_task
class UserDeletePostTaskSet(TaskSequence):
def on_start(self):
user_id = id(self)
self.user_name = 'test_user_{}'.format(user_id)
self.user_password = '{}x'.format(self.user_name)
self.post_id = None
def add_post(self):
title = '{}: title'.format(self.user_name)
body = "to be deleted"
response = UserAddPostTaskSet.user_add_post(client=self.client,
body=body, catch_response=True)
self.post_id = _get_post_id(content=response.content)
def delete(self):
if self.post_id is None:
self.post_id = None
class IndexLocust(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserDeletePostTaskSet
min_wait = 5000
max_wait = 10000
host = ''
from examples.flaskr.posts_list.locustfile import IndexTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_add_post.locustfile import UserAddPostTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_delete_post.locustfile import UserDeletePostTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_edit_post.locustfile import UserEditPostTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_login.locustfile import UserLoginTaskSet
from examples.flaskr.user_register.locustfile import UserRegisterTaskSet
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet
class UserAllTaskSet(TaskSet):
tasks = {UserEditPostTaskSet: 4,
UserAddPostTaskSet: 4,
UserDeletePostTaskSet: 3,
UserLoginTaskSet: 2,
UserRegisterTaskSet: 1,
IndexTaskSet: 8}
class IndexLocust(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserAllTaskSet
min_wait = 5000
max_wait = 10000
host = ''
To start locust in master mode:
$ locust -f --master
And then on each slave (replace with IP of the master machine):
$ locust -f --slave --master-host=
import logging
import random
import time
from locust import Locust, TaskSet, events, task
log = logging.getLogger()
class LoggingClient(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
time.sleep(1 / random.randint(100, 1000))
method = getattr(log, name)
result = method(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
total_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)"log", name=name, response_time=total_time, exception=e)
total_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)"log", name=name, response_time=total_time, response_length=0)
return wrapper
class LoggingLocust(Locust):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.client = LoggingClient()
class ApiUser(LoggingLocust):
min_wait = 100
max_wait = 1000
class task_set(TaskSet):
def error(self):
self.client.error("error info")
def info(self):"Test Info")