This DebiAI Data Provider Python module allows you to easily deploy your own data-provider through the data-provider API.
A data-provider allows you to provide data to DebiAI so that no duplication of data is needed.
DebiAI Data-providers documentation
Install debiai_data_provider
with pip:
pip install debiai_data_provider
Find out how to use the DebiAI Data Provider Python module in the examples folder:
- shows how to create a simple data-provider with a project
Create a Python Class representing your project:
from debiai_data_provider import DebiAIProject, DataProvider
class MyProject(DebiAIProject):
creation_date = "2024-01-01"
def get_structure(self) -> dict:
# This function will be called when the user
# opens the project in the DebiAI interface
# It serves to classify the project data structure
return {
"Data ID": {"type": "text", "category": "id"},
"My context 1": {"type": "text", "category": "context"},
"My context 2": {"type": "number", "category": "context"},
"My groundtruth 1": {"type": "number", "category": "groundtruth"},
def get_data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
# This function will be called when the user
# wants to analyze data from your project
samples_df = pd.DataFrame(
"Data ID": ["image-1", "image-2", "image-3"],
"My context 1": ["A", "B", "C"],
"My context 2": [0.28, 0.388, 0.5],
"My groundtruth 1": [8, 7, 19],
return samples_df
my_project = MyProject()
Then, create an DataProvider object and add your project to it:
provider = DataProvider()
# Finally, start the server
Run the Python file and your project is now available through the DebiAI Data Provider API!
To link your data-provider with DebiAI, you can follow our Creation of a data provider guide
To provide your model results to DebiAI, add the following method to your project class:
class MyProject(DebiAIProject):
# Project metadata
def get_results_structure(self) -> dict:
# This function will be called when the user
# opens the project in the DebiAI interface
# It is required if you plan to analyze model results
return {
"prediction": {
"type": "number",
"confidence": {
"type": "number",
"error": {
"type": "number",
"group": "error",
"error_abs": {
"type": "number",
"group": "error",
# Project model results
def get_models(self) -> list[dict]:
# This function will be called when DebiAI
# ask the user to select a model to analyze the results
# The function should return the list of models
# that have been evaluated on the project
unique_models = MODEL_RESULTS["model"].unique()
models_data = []
for model in unique_models:
nb_results = len(MODEL_RESULTS[MODEL_RESULTS["model"] == model])
"id": model,
"name": model,
"nb_results": nb_results,
return models_data
def get_model_evaluated_data_id_list(self, model_id: str) -> list[str]:
# This function will be called when the user
# wants to analyze the results of a specific model
# The function should return the list of samples ids
# that have been evaluated by the model
unique_models = MODEL_RESULTS["model"].unique()
if model_id not in unique_models:
raise ValueError(f"Model {model_id} not found")
return MODEL_RESULTS[MODEL_RESULTS["model"] == model_id]["sample_id"].tolist()
def get_model_results(self, model_id: str, samples_ids: list[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
# This function will be called when the user
# wants to analyze the results of a specific model
# The function should return a pandas DataFrame
# containing the results of the model corresponding
# to the samples_ids provided
# Filter the results
model_inferences = MODEL_RESULTS[
(MODEL_RESULTS["model"] == model_id)
& (MODEL_RESULTS["sample_id"].isin(samples_ids))
return model_inferences
- Publish to Pypi
- Provide project data
- Provide project metadata
- Provide project samples
- Provide project models & model results
- Provide project selections
- Make available project interactions
- Project deletion
- Model deletion
- Selection creation
- Selection deletion
- High level data-providers
- CSV data-provider
- Json data-provider
- Start DebiAI along with the data-provider
- LLM improved data-provider for auto configuration
DebiAI is developed by
And is integrated in