Programmatic API for the frontend database
- npm
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If you like a class based approach more, there is one.
const {CLP} = require("clp-utils");
const myClass = new CLP();
loginCredentials Login with credentials
const {loginCredentials} = require("clp-utils");
const email = '[email protected]';
const password = 'my_secret_password';
const session = await loginCredentials(email, password);
loginToken Login with token from previous login
const {loginToken} = require("clp-utils");
const token = 'token';
const session = await loginToken(token);
CREATE Create new record
const {CREATE} = require("clp-utils");
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const values = {};
const createdRecord = await CREATE(workDirectory, values);
CREATE_FILE Create new record and upload file
const {CREATE_FILE} = require("clp-utils");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const filepath = "/some/path/to/file"
const file = await fs.readFile(filepath);
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const column = 0;
const createdRecord = await CREATE_FILE(workDirectory, column, file);
READ Pagination based search queries for equal queries
const {READ} = require("clp-utils");
const queryArray = []; // query all data if empty
const columnToQuery = 0; // must be the column or can be _id if the id is provided. may be used with searchType 1 to omit other query params
const searchValue = "Tom";
const secondSearchValue = "Tim"; // if an array or an object with coords property is provided see below, else this becomes an equal
const mustMatchAll = false; // true if must match that query, false if OR query is desired
const negate = false;
const sampleQuery = [
columnToQuery, searchValue, mustMatchAll, negate
const secondSampleQuery = [
columnToQuery, secondSearchValue, mustMatchAll, negate
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const page = 0; // default 0
const queryAmount = 10; // value between 0 and 100
const dataHandler = await READ(queryArray, workDirectory, page, queryAmount);
const {
data, // records [array]
p, // current page [number]
count, // toal data count [number]
no // query amount [number]
} = dataHandler;
READ Pagination based search queries for min,max,range queries
const {READ} = require("clp-utils");
const queryArray = []; // query all data
const type = "date"; // number or range
const lower = new Date(); // null for greater search only
const upper = new Date(); // null for lesser search only
// lower === upper for equal search. which is the same as not using this syntax
// if upper < lower, the query params switch
const gt = false; // true for greater / less, false for greater equal / less equal
const searchValue = [type, lower, upper, gt];
const columnToQuery = 0;
const mustMatchAll = false; // select if AND / OR - query for this query
const negate = false;
const sampleQuery = [
columnToQuery, searchValue, mustMatchAll, negate
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const page = 0; // default 0
const queryAmount = 10; // value between 0 and 100
const dataHandler = await READ(queryArray, workDirectory, page, queryAmount);
const {
data, // records [array]
p, // current page [number]
count, // toal data count [number]
no // query amount [number]
} = dataHandler;
READ Pagination based search queries for geo queries
const {READ} = require("clp-utils");
const queryArray = []; // query all data
const columnToQuery = 0;
const type = "near"; // intersect or within
const lng = 52.1;
const lat = 4.21;
const coords = [[lng, lat]]; // takes the first entry if type is near. else must have at least 3 points, be a polygon and not self intersecting.
const props = { // relevant for near. may be omitted if not necessary.
low: 10, // minimum distance in meters to look for
high: 100, // maximum distance in meters to look for
// if high < lower, the values switch
const searchValue = {type, coords, props};
const mustMatchAll = false;
const negate = false;
const sampleQuery = [
columnToQuery, searchValue, mustMatchAll, negate
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const page = 0; // default 0
const queryAmount = 10; // value between 0 and 100
const dataHandler = await READ(queryArray, workDirectory, page, queryAmount);
const {
data, // records [array]
p, // current page [number]
count, // toal data count [number]
no // query amount [number]
} = dataHandler;
READ_FILE Read file
const {READ_FILE} = require("clp-utils");
// read file from record
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const column = 1;
const _id = 'id';
const filename = 'billing.pdf';
const filetype = 'application/pdf';
const resourcesId = 'resourcesIdf';
const downloadlink = await READ_FILE(workDirectory, column, _id, filename, filetype, resourcesId);
UPDATE Update records
const {UPDATE} = require("clp-utils");
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const _id = "id";
const update = {0: "Tom"}
const updatedRecord = await UPDATE(_id, workDirectory, values);
UPDATE_FILE Update Files
const {UPDATE_FILE} = require("clp-utils");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const filepath = "/some/path/to/file"
const file = await fs.readFile(filepath);
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const _id = "id";
const column = 0;
const updatedRecordWithDownloadLink = await UPDATE_FILE(_id, workDirectory, column, file);
DELETE Delete records
const {DELETE} = require("clp-utils");
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const _id = "id";
const deletedRecord = await DELETE(_id, workDirectory);
const {DELETE_FILE} = require("clp-utils");
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const _id = "id";
const fname = "billing.pdf";
const resourcesId = "resourcesId";
const column = 0;
const deletedFile = await DELETE_FILE(fname, resourcesId, _id, column, workDirectory);
LISTEN Register listener to database changes
const {LISTEN} = require("clp-utils");
const unlistenId = "unlistenId";
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const {success, listen, unlisten} = await LISTEN(workDirectory);
if (success && listen) {
// invoke listen with your function
// listen(fn) e.g.
listen((data) => {
const positions = data.positions;
for (const change of positions) {
const {values, id, type} = change
if (type === "update") {
// do something with values
} else if (type === "create") {
// do something with values
} else if (type === "delete") {
// do something with id
id (id === unlistenId) {
UNLISTEN Unregister listener from database changes
const {UNLISTEN} = require("clp-utils");
const workDirectory = 'workDirectory';
const {success} = await UNLISTEN(workDirectory);