This is the code related to the paper "Linear system approach to Euler vector inversion" from Smalley, Gómez, and Bevis. The only dependency is m_map:
As input, the class can take as first argument:
a) text file,
b) a matrix with the same format as the file, see below,
c) a folder with json files from Parallel.GAMIT.
A second argument (optional) provides the list of stations to use to determine the vector. Finally, a name for the vector (also optional)
If using a text file, it needs to have the following columns (in order, table headers are ignored): stnm x y z n_vel e_vel OR stnm lat lon 0 n_vel e_vel
stnm : name of the station x y z : meters lat lon : decimal degrees n_vel e_vel: meters/year (do NOT use mm/yr)
The Euler vector will be calculated using all stations or using a subset determined by the either a cell array with the stations names or another text file with a list of station names. The Euler vector is determined using the technique explained in Smalley et al. (xxxx) and a robost least squares algorithm that relies on a goodness of fit test to remove outliers. This is why you should not use mm/yr instead of m/year. The fit starts with very loose weights for each station (equivalent to 1 m/yr) and it reweighs the dataset on several iterations removing outliers.
EXAMPLES: using a list of json files from Parallel.GAMIT evect = euler_vector('../Solutions', 'href.txt'); using a text file as input evect = euler_vector('sam.dat', 'href.txt'); or just a single argument to use all the station in the file evect = euler_vector('sam.dat'); the list of sites can also be provided using a cell array evect = euler_vector('sam.dat', {'stn1', 'stn2', 'stn3' ...}); plot the result and histograms of residuals evect.plot_result(250); to predict a station's velocity, use vel = evect.compute_vel(x) where x accepts the same inputs as the object if the prediction and a plot is desired, then use vel = evect.plot_prediction(files, 100, true); where 100 is the scale for the velocity vectors, and true determines if error ellipses should be plotted or not