Main to typer #6496
10 errors
Description must end with a period ("."), fix the following:
- In command acalvio-is-deception-host:
The argument host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionHost.IsDeception description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionHost.Host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionHost.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-is-deception-user:
The argument username description should end with a period.
The argument domain description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionUser.IsDeception description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionUser.Username description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionUser.Domain description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionUser.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-is-deception-file:
The argument endpoint description should end with a period.
The argument filename description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionFile.IsDeception description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionFile.Filename description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionFile.Endpoint description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.IsDeceptionFile.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-mute-deception-host:
The argument host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionHost.Host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionHost.IsMute description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionHost.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-unmute-deception-host:
The argument host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionHost.Host description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionHost.IsUnmute description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionHost.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-mute-deception-on-endpoint:
The argument endpoint description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionEndpoint.Endpoint description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionEndpoint.IsMute description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.MuteDeceptionEndpoint.DateTime description should end with a period.
- In command acalvio-unmute-deception-on-endpoint:
The argument endpoint description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionEndpoint.Endpoint description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionEndpoint.IsUnmute description should end with a period.
The context path Acalvio.UnmuteDeceptionEndpoint.DateTime description should end with a period.
To fix the problem, try running `demisto-sdk format -i Packs/AcalvioShadowplex/Integrations/acalvioapp/acalvioapp.yml `
Description must end with a period ("."), fix the following:
- In command acti-vuln:
The context path CVE.ID description should end with a period.
The context path CVE.CVSS2 description should end with a period.
The context path CVE.CVSS3 description should end with a period.
To fix the problem, try running `demisto-sdk format -i Packs/AccentureCTI/Integrations/ACTIVulnerabilityQuery/ACTIVulnerabilityQuery.yml `
Description must end with a period ("."), fix the following:
- In command aella-get-event:
The argument event_id description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.event_name description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.severity description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.dstip description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.srcip description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.tenantid description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.srcip_reputation description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.dstip_reputation description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.dstip_geo description should end with a period.
The context path Aella.Event.srcip_geo description should end with a period.
The file's description field is missing a '.' in the end of the sentence.
To fix the problem, try running `demisto-sdk format -i Packs/Aella_StarLight/Integrations/AellaStarLight/AellaStarLight.yml `
Field name: APD Message DKIM D Tag is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Message DKIM D Tag.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdmessagedkimdtag.
Field name: APD Message PTR Name is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Message PTR Name.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdmessageptrname.
Field name: APD Updated At is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Updated At.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdupdatedat.
Field name: APD Message Date is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Message Date.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdmessagedate.
Field name: APD Policy Enabled is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Policy Enabled.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdpolicyenabled.
Field name: APD Global Message ID is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Global Message ID.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdglobalmessageid.
Field name: APD Message Trust Score is invalid. Field name must start with the relevant pack name.
To fix the problem, add pack name prefix to the field name. You can use the pack name or one of the prefixes found in the itemPrefix field in the pack_metadata. Example: Agari Phishing Defense APD Message Trust Score.
Also, make sure to update the field id and cliName accordingly. Example: cliName: agariphishingdefenseapdmessagetrustscore.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.