This is a course project in NTUT
Node JS server (Express + EJS + Bootstrap + Mlab)
Use Node JS to create the education video platform with Member system, Shopping-cart system, LineBot and WebRTC streaming.
Use passport.js to implement login and register with Local & OAth2.0(line, google+) strategy. Use bcrypt to encryption password and save in DB. Activate account by the verification letter. Use RESTful API to modify the member info.
Implementation with the API.
Implementation with the LineSDK. Use to broadcast message to members and supply member to look up owned course or find courses.
Implementation the live video broadcast and p2p streaming.
using the following command: Web server
node index (server running on port 3000)
Bot server node linebot-app (server running on port 4000)
WebRTC server clone webRTC-practice repository
Node JS server (Express + EJS + Bootstrap + Mlab)
使用 Node JS 來打造一個具有會員系統、購物車系統、Line機器人和直播視訊功能的線上影音教育平台。
使用 passport.js 來實現本地端和第三方軟體的會員註冊和登入。 使用 bcrypt 演算法來作DB會員密碼的加密。 透過系統寄發的驗證信來激活帳號。 使用 RESTful API 提供會員對帳號資訊的修改的功能。
透過 RESTful API 來達成購買課程、結帳等功能。
使用 LineSDK 用來推播亭臺課程資訊和提供會員查詢自己的課程和平台其他課程。
透過 WebRTC 來實作直播和一對一的視訊。
輸入下列來指令來執行: 網頁伺服器
node index (server running on port 3000)
LineBot伺服器 node linebot-app (server running on port 4000)
WebRTC伺服器 clone webRTC-practice repository