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translations: 📚 sync translations with crowdin (#17913)
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Co-authored-by: DerivFE <[email protected]>
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github-actions[bot] and DerivFE authored Dec 30, 2024
1 parent 114a2e8 commit 611f623
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Showing 22 changed files with 416 additions and 395 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/translations/crowdin/messages.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/ach.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "crwdns123978:0crwdne123978:0",
"-1823504435": "crwdns81485:0crwdne81485:0",
"-1954045170": "crwdns81487:0crwdne81487:0",
"-1515309814": "crwdns6394824:0crwdne6394824:0",
"-1591792668": "crwdns1361671:0crwdne1361671:0",
"-34495732": "crwdns1361673:0crwdne1361673:0",
"-1323441180": "crwdns2781963:0crwdne2781963:0",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/ar.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "شاشة كاملة",
"-1823504435": "عرض الإشعارات",
"-1954045170": "لم يتم تخصيص عملة",
"-1515309814": "إعدادات الحساب",
"-1591792668": "حدود الحساب",
"-34495732": "معلومات تنظيمية",
"-1323441180": "أؤكد بموجب هذا أن طلبي لفتح حساب مع Deriv لتداول منتجات OTC المقدمة حصريًا خارج البرازيل قد بدأته. أفهم تمامًا أن Deriv لا تخضع للتنظيم من قبل CVM، ومن خلال الاتصال بـ Deriv أعتزم إقامة علاقة مع شركة أجنبية.",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/bn.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "ফুল স্ক্রীণ",
"-1823504435": "বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুন",
"-1954045170": "কোন কারেন্সি বরাদ্দ করা হয়নি",
"-1515309814": "অ্যাকাউন্ট সেটিংস",
"-1591792668": "অ্যাকাউন্ট লিমিট",
"-34495732": "রেগুলেটরি তথ্য",
"-1323441180": "আমি এতদ্বারা নিশ্চিত যে Deriv- এর সাথে একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট খোলার জন্য আমার অনুরোধ ব্রাজিলের বাইরে ইস্যু করা এবং বিশেষভাবে দেওয়া OTC পণ্যগুলি ট্রেড করার অনুরোধ আমার দ্বারা শুরু করা হয়েছিল। আমি সম্পূর্ণরূপে বুঝতে পারি যে Deriv CVM দ্বারা নিয়ন্ত্রিত হয় না এবং Deriv সমীপবর্তী দ্বারা আমি একটি বিদেশী কোম্পানীর সঙ্গে একটি সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করতে মনস্থ।",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "Vollbild",
"-1823504435": "Benachrichtigungen anzeigen",
"-1954045170": "Keine Währung zugewiesen",
"-1515309814": "Kontoeinstellungen",
"-1591792668": "Konto-Limits",
"-34495732": "Regulatorische Informationen",
"-1323441180": "Ich bestätige hiermit, dass mein Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Kontos bei Deriv für den Handel mit OTC-Produkten, die ausschließlich außerhalb Brasiliens ausgegeben und angeboten werden, von mir initiiert wurde. Ich verstehe voll und ganz, dass Deriv nicht von CVM reguliert wird, und indem ich mich an Deriv wende, beabsichtige ich, eine Beziehung zu einem ausländischen Unternehmen aufzubauen.",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "Pantalla completa",
"-1823504435": "Ver notificaciones",
"-1954045170": "Ninguna moneda seleccionada",
"-1515309814": "Configuración de cuenta",
"-1591792668": "Límites de la cuenta",
"-34495732": "Información reglamentaria",
"-1323441180": "Confirmo que mi solicitud de apertura de cuenta en Deriv para operar productos OTC emitidos y ofrecidos exclusivamente fuera de Brasil fue iniciada por mí. Entiendo plenamente que Deriv no está regulada por la CVM y al dirigirme a Deriv pretendo establecer una relación con una empresa extranjera.",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "Plein écran",
"-1823504435": "Afficher les notifications",
"-1954045170": "Pas de devise attribuée",
"-1515309814": "Paramètres du compte",
"-1591792668": "Limites du Compte",
"-34495732": "Informations réglementaires",
"-1323441180": "Je confirme par la présente que ma demande d'ouverture d'un compte auprès de Deriv pour y trader des produits OTC émis et offerts exclusivement en dehors du Brésil a été initiée par moi-même. Je comprends parfaitement que Deriv n'est pas réglementé par la Commission brésilienne des valeurs mobilières et des échanges (CVM) et qu'en contactant Deriv, j'ai l'intention d'établir une relation avec une société étrangère.",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "Schermo intero",
"-1823504435": "Visualizza notifiche",
"-1954045170": "Nessuna valuta assegnata",
"-1515309814": "Impostazioni conto",
"-1591792668": "Limiti del conto",
"-34495732": "Informazioni sulle normative",
"-1323441180": "Con la presente confermo che la mia richiesta di apertura di un conto presso Deriv per negoziare prodotti OTC emessi e offerti esclusivamente al di fuori del Brasile è stata avviata da me. Sono pienamente consapevole che Deriv non è regolamentata dal CVM e che rivolgendomi a Deriv intendo instaurare un rapporto con una società straniera.",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/km.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "ពេញអេក្រង់",
"-1823504435": "មើលការជូនដំណឹង",
"-1954045170": "មិនបានកំណត់រូបិយប័ណ្ណទេ",
"-1515309814": "ការកំណត់គណនី",
"-1591792668": "ដែនកំណត់គណនី",
"-34495732": "ព័ត៌មានបទប្បញ្ញត្តិ",
"-1323441180": "ខ្ញុំសូមបញ្ជាក់ថា សំណើរបស់ខ្ញុំសម្រាប់ការបើកគណនីជាមួយ Deriv ដើម្បីជួញដូរផលិតផល OTC ដែលបានចេញ និងផ្តល់ជូនផ្តាច់មុខនៅខាងក្រៅប្រទេសប្រេស៊ីលត្រូវបានផ្តួចផ្តើមដោយខ្ញុំ។ ខ្ញុំយល់ច្បាស់ថា Deriv មិនត្រូវបានគ្រប់គ្រងដោយ CVM ហើយដោយការចូលទៅជិត Deriv ខ្ញុំមានបំណងបង្កើតទំនាក់ទំនងជាមួយក្រុមហ៊ុនបរទេស។",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3575,6 +3575,7 @@
"-650505513": "전체 화면",
"-1823504435": "공지 확인",
"-1954045170": "할당된 통화가 없습니다",
"-1515309814": "계좌 설정",
"-1591792668": "계정 한도",
"-34495732": "규제 정보",
"-1323441180": "본인은 브라질 이외 지역에서 독점적으로 발행 및 제공되는 OTC 상품을 거래하기 위해 Deriv를 통한 계정을 개설하고자 하는 요청이 본인에 의해 시작되었음을 확정합니다. 본인은 Deriv가 CVM의 규제를 받지 않는다는 것을 충분히 이해하고 있으며 Deriv에 접근하여 외국 회사와 관계를 수립할 계획입니다.",
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