This repository contains private packages & plugins that are used by the company's products built in Flutter.
This Hook will check for Semantic versioning commit convention
1- Please download commit-msg file from githooks/commit-msg.
2- Run the command below.
cp $HOME/Downloads/commit-msg $HOME/.git/hooks/commit-msg \
&& chmod +x $HOME/.git/hooks/commit-msg
Each package has been released as git tag with convention as packageName-vVersionNumber(Example: deriv_auth-v7.0.14)
. To use the package, add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:
path: packages/deriv_ui
ref: deriv_ui-v0.1.2+3 #your prefered version
Name | Description | Version |
analytics | Used to collect and send analytical information to 'Firebase', 'Rudderstack' and 'Datadog'. | v4.2.0 |
deriv_auth | A Dart package that provides Authentication logic for Deriv applications. | v7.0.14 |
deriv_banner | A widget to show banner in apps. | v0.0.1+2 |
deriv_bloc_manager | Provides some tools to manage blocs. | v0.0.1 |
deriv_datadog | A package that helps you monitor the performance and user interactions of your Flutter app by sending data to Datadog. | v0.0.2 |
deriv_date_range_picker | Provides a widget that allows users to select a date range either by calendar mode or input mode. | v0.0.1+14 |
deriv_dependency_injector | A package for handling dependency injection in Dart. | v1.0.2 |
deriv_env | A package to load and store environment variables. | v0.0.1+2 |
deriv_expandable_bottom_sheet | A widget that helps to display an expandable bottom sheet. | v0.0.2+2 |
deriv_http_client | A package that provides a wrapper for http package. | v2.1.0 |
deriv_lint | A Dart package that provides lint rules for Dart and Flutter. | v1.0.1 |
deriv_live_chat | A plugin for live chat SDK support to dart. | v0.0.2+1 |
deriv_language_selector | A package to handle language change of the app. | v0.0.4+4 |
deriv_localizations | A Package that contains the localization arb(coming from Crowdin) and dart generated files for flutter_deriv_packages. | v1.7.2 |
deriv_numpad | Number Pad Widget for number input. | v1.1.13 |
deriv_rudderstack | A plugin that add RudderStack SDK support to Flutter. | v1.3.1 |
deriv_store_launcher | A plugin to launch app stores base on platform and manufacturer. | v0.0.2+1 |
deriv_technical_analysis | A Dart package for Technical Analysis. | v1.1.2 |
deriv_theme | A package that contains the theme used by Deriv products. | v3.0.1 |
deriv_ui | A package that contains the UI components used by Deriv products. | v0.1.2+3 |
deriv_utilities | A package that contains the utilities including helper functions, mixins, and extensions. | v1.0.0 |
deriv_websocket | A package that provides a easy to use websocket client. | v1.0.1 |
deriv_web_view | Deriv web view package. | v0.2.2+6 |
deriv_widgetbook | Storybook for Deriv UI Widgets and Components | v0.0.2+40 |
form_builder | A simpler and cleaner way to create, validate and submit forms. | v1.0.0+1 |
update_checker | Check and retrieve update information from the server for the given package. | v3.1.2 |
deriv_feature_flag | A package to provide feature flag functionality for apps. | v0.1.2+1 |
deriv_mobile_chart_wrapper | A wrapper package around package deriv_chart to implement any functionality specific to mobile and can be wrapped around the main chart package. | v0.1.12 |
deriv_cipher | A package to encrypt and decrypt data using AES encryption. | v0.0.3 |
We use Melos to manage the multiple packages in this repository. To get started, install Melos globally:
dart pub global activate melos
Running pub get
on all packages, run:
melos bootstrap
and Test
has already been configured in melos.yaml
so you can do the following:
Running flutter analyze
on all packages:
melos run analyze
Running flutter test
on all packages:
melos run test --no-select
If you'd like to run any other command on all packages, you can configure it in melos.yaml
or run it directly with melos:
$ melos exec --\
your command here