This repo includes code and documentation for the Frontend Styleguide.
The documentation site can be found here.
The components project can be found here.
The plugins project can be found here.
The Style Guide documentation is built using Jekyll as the file framework and gulp is used for task management
You will need to have the following installed on your machine before following the commands below:
- Ruby v2.2.2+, Installation guides
- Node v4.2.3+, Installation guides
- Bundler v1.12.3+, Installation guides
To work on the site, clone a local copy of this repository. Then open a terminal and run the following commands to install project dependencies:
npm install
Now that all of your dependencies are installed, you can run your local server by running the following command:
npm start
Go to
in your browser — you should be viewing a local instance.
If you are coding and want to watch for changes run the following command:
npm run watch
: Runs a series of commands that watches for any changes in both the Standards node module and the root level asset folders in this repo.
Puppeteer is a node package included in this project, which helps with generating the PDFs and screenshots of the docs site
The puppeteer script must be run after each release, so we have a version of the documentationsite that corresponds to each version of dkfds.
In order to run the script be sure to have the pdf root folder created in the dkfds-docs project including the screenshots subfolder, so we have the following folder structure locally:
- dkfds-docs
- pdf
- screenshots
- pdf
Now, follow these steps
- Open command prompt and navigate to your project folder.
- Run the command
node puppeteer.js
- Wait for the script to finish
- Zip the files created in the pdf folder - do NOT commit the generated files! Filename should have the following format: - indicating 3.0.3 as the dkfds version that corresponds to this version of dkfds-docs.
- Open and navigate to your dkfds-docs project locally in cmd
- run the command
node example-dumps.js
- Wait for it to finish
- Verify the images has been updated
Puppeteer is run through the puppeteer.js and example-dumps.js files in the root folder of this project.
2 arrays has been included containing URLs to all pages we want to generate a pdf and screenshot of.
If a URL is changed or one is added, please update the script to include the changes.
Remember to update the array containing the list of pages to take screenshots of if a new page is created.