This is the standard Default .github repo for DiggSweden. It contains Pull Request-, Issue-templates and Community Health-files that will be applied for all projects in the whole GitHub-organisation "should the projects not override them with something more adjusted".
It also contains the front presentation text.
docs/how_to_work_github.adoc (A document describing how to work on Digg's GitHub)
- (A general template for where to report Security Issues)
- (Contributor Covenant)
Templates for the Pull Requests, Bug and Feature Requests
profile/ (GitHub-organisation fronttext)
Note that these files are mostly taken from the general Open Source Project Template-project and any Issues should most likely go there directly.
Some GitHub Workflows can be reused in other projects, see the '.github/workflows-folder.
- CommitLint
- DependencyAnalysis
- LicenseLint
- MegaLint - Lint Containers, scripts, code
- OpenSSF-Scorecard - Projecthealth from a security perspective
- Versionbump and Changelog - generate a Changelog, in a commit Release, bump project version
Git-Cliff is a changelog solution, with a few builtin templates. These templates is the builtin ones but modified to remove 'chore(release):-lines from the output.
- keepachangelog
- minimal
- default
Most, but not all of the files are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal License - see the file headers for details. is Copyright: Contributor Covenant License: CC-BY-4.0
Finally, the Digg Logo is not under any free usage License.
Digg Open Source Guild