Minimal "function" example of ni-http-suite
This will build a 9.2mb docker image.
Note: it can be even smaller as I've enabled "--enable-url-protocols=https".
This is based from the blog post of for the -static+muslc trick.
podman build -f Dockerfile -t ni-http-suite-example/ni-http-suite-example .
podman run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 localhost/ni-http-suite-example/ni-http-suite-example:latest
You must build in docker format (!) if you are using podman, as it seems that gcloud run does not like OCI images.
podman build --format=docker -f Dockerfile -t ni-http-suite-example/ni-http-suite-example .
podman tag TAG
podman push
gcloud run deploy --platform=managed --allow-unauthenticated