Releases: digitalfox/pydici
Releases · digitalfox/pydici
- upgrade selenium to fix driver retrieving crash
- fix select2 double loading
- switch telegram sticker and message order to ease reading on mobile device
- fix corner case in lag creation when bill has been sent considering a fixed price mission but with no billing mode defined at mission level
- ensure mission billing mode is defined when saving client bills
- upgrade pypdf
- fix rate reports consultant selection date range
- Add test/demo data set creation to ease development and software demo
- Provisioning API enhancement : trainees and subcontractors management
- Add user export simple script
- fix droplist selection in inline client creation modal
- fix subcontractor menu styling
- remove one letter words from search
- Fix team forecast popover
- upgrade to bootstrap 5.3
- add internal contact points on customer contact list
- fix non-prod report that was crashing because of incorrect date truncation
New features and enhancements:
- add client deal id at mission level
- reorganize mission edit form
- better forecast optim default parameters when optimizing just one people forecast
- better layout for mission label in forecast optimizer page
- rate report is now available by years and by months
- add category to consultant tasks.
- allow to search expense history by ID
- group company graph activity by year instead of month to ease readability. Simplify code and increase perf.
- use country name in address instead of country code
- ensure lead exists before trying to inherit client deal id
- fix corner case when expense is removed from a payment. Ensure it return to controlled state and in workflow state
- fix model save call (missing args) and avoid create() on ClientBill that enforce force_insert and failed with duplicate PK
- restore missing colors in forecast optim results page
- fix broken return link that crash create view when no contact is given to business broker or supplier
- only set mission proba to 100 and tell user if it was not the case. Don't enforce active status, it reactivate archived mission by mistake when lead is updated
- handle incomplete lead/mission data in billing control table
- better input check of bill expense detail in manual mode that could crash on save
- fix turnover report end boundary
- increase month window range by 1 on rate report
- restrict alerts about missing mktg product and finanical conditions on productive missions
Technical changes :
- migration to django 4
- pypdf3 upgrade
- ortools update
- machine learning stack update (scikitlearn, scipy, numpy)
- crisipy upgrade
- django-tables2 update
- django-select update
- django-extension update
- jquery update - yes it's alive and kicking ;-)
- boostratp 5.2 update
- pymemcache 4 update