Releases: digitalfox/pydici
Releases · digitalfox/pydici
- In leads review, consider other subsidiaries leads when current subsidiary consultants are potential staffing
- add forecast indicator in lead mission table and make the table more responsive
- fix client column hiding on mobile device for team forecast review
- CSS cleanup (remove old bootstrap CSS)
- Add check in CI for migrations (thanks Ben)
- consider fixed price mission with end boundary in pre billing page
- don't consider staled a mission with a future end date
- add lead and client master data information in mission list API
- add planned mission to controling export. Use mission boundaries when defined for start/end fields
- add start/end date in lead mission tab. Consider staffing and timesheet data when explicit start/end is not set
- Add stickyness to the submit button in the staffing tab (thanks Antoine)
- fix datepicker conflict between jquery-ui and bootstrap
- consider mission staffing end boundary when shifting forecast staffing
- add user and update date when shifting forecast staffing
- consider all current month (when included) instead of only past days to compute the amount that still need to be billed
- warn when timesheet is beeyond forecast
- don't use timesheet to filter missions in API but mission update date. Extend default timeframe to 2 years
- default subsidiary field to current user company on new lead form
- don't put in first place current value when... not value is defined for billing mode
- fix hour (keyboard) timesheet input
- handle unknown consultant to raise proper 404 error for users who are playing with URLs...
- better handling zero-data conditions in graph
- display forbiden pages without menu for htmx fragment page as well as jquery pages
- add fiscal year to bill delay reports
- fix mission staffing date choice regression when mission end date is not defined
- add consultant task when expenses are waiting information
- color expense state when it is updated
- fix mess-up when updating the state of an expense which is both in user and managed table
- expense review enhancement in mobile
- fix business broker label when no contact is defined
- mission inline edit: reorder values to put the previous one in the first place
- check that staffing mission boundaries are not changed in an inconsistent way with current staffing
- properly reactivate select2 after inline client creation in lead form.
- migrate almost all jquery lazy-loads call to htmx
- fix lead tag field width
Full Changelog: v2024.11.1...v2024.11.2
What's Changed
- switch to htmx for tag managmeent
- switch to htmx for VAT inline edit
- switch to htmx for mission archiving
- switch to htmx for expense workflow
- switch to htmx for mission contact management and inline company creation
- add supplier et business broker leads on client company page
- hide tab label on small devices
- fix consultant achievement edge case for consultant with no timesheet yet
- fix edge case when mission responsible has been deleted
- fix contact editing return page
- fix missing label in SVG contact link graph (but still an issue in some browsers and when text is too long)
- fix client company contact page filtering
- upgrade to datatables 2.1.8
Full Changelog: v2024.10.1...v2024.11.1
- add funny consultant achievement board
- fix supplier / business broker return link after creation or update
- add supplier list page
- allow to change a business broker or paying authority from detail lead page
- add business broker list page
- rework consultant page to display all past missions
- fix sorting by profile in forecast table
Full Changelog: v2024.08.2...v2024.10.1
- upgrade deps
- Full Changelog: v2024.08.1...v2024.08.2
- client margin report enhancement (new presets, better perf, add cache, fix right bound time detection)
- make client billing control report resistant to weird data (bill outside timesheet range and bill with wrong consultant)
- filter self lead client billing control at computation time to boost up performance
- mass staffing: try to guess smarter default parameters
- pre-billing: clean scope filter to avoid conflict with date range. Ensure date range is always 1 month at least
- add a new graph with daily rates for given client company
- rates pivot table: fix aggregator operator and default active preset
- fix pivotable css version and menu position
- ensure forecast is not lower than done for limited individual mode mission
- better message position for forecast date boundaries violation
- add a link from mission staffing to open mass staffing form pre-filled with mission and consultant
- allow to easily shift mission forecast staffing by 1 mont
- fix nextcloud path
- fix internal billing computation for subcontractor
- better integrity error handling when creating duplicate forecast data
- remove RSS/ATOM feeds. Most people don't even remember it exists
- fix mission staffing consultant popover
- upgrade weasyprint
- add billing tests