In leads review, consider other subsidiaries leads when current subsidiary consultants are potential staffing
add forecast indicator in lead mission table and make the table more responsive
fix client column hiding on mobile device for team forecast review
CSS cleanup (remove old bootstrap CSS)
Add check in CI for migrations (thanks Ben)
consider fixed price mission with end boundary in pre billing page
don't consider staled a mission with a future end date
add lead and client master data information in mission list API
add planned mission to controling export. Use mission boundaries when defined for start/end fields
add start/end date in lead mission tab. Consider staffing and timesheet data when explicit start/end is not set
Add stickyness to the submit button in the staffing tab (thanks Antoine)
fix datepicker conflict between jquery-ui and bootstrap
consider mission staffing end boundary when shifting forecast staffing
add user and update date when shifting forecast staffing
consider all current month (when included) instead of only past days to compute the amount that still need to be billed
warn when timesheet is beeyond forecast
don't use timesheet to filter missions in API but mission update date. Extend default timeframe to 2 years
default subsidiary field to current user company on new lead form
don't put in first place current value when... not value is defined for billing mode
fix hour (keyboard) timesheet input
handle unknown consultant to raise proper 404 error for users who are playing with URLs...
better handling zero-data conditions in graph
display forbiden pages without menu for htmx fragment page as well as jquery pages
add fiscal year to bill delay reports
fix mission staffing date choice regression when mission end date is not defined
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