- GoogleTest does not support C project, therefore
- Force CMake to compile C source (
) with as C++ source:set_source_files_properties("main.c" PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX)
- Force CMake to compile C source (
- AlexWills37/ATmega-Music-Automation: September 2021 - Firmware for the ATmega 328p that allows you to play progammable music with a piezo buzzer
- elmohrimedabdessalam/ADC-AVR: C library for Analog to Digital Converter module of ATmega328 MCU
- Google-Developers-Sohag/AVR-Sandbox: Dig deeper into AVR-WORLD
- Software-Hardware-Codesign/AVR-Sandbox: Dig deeper into the AVR-WORLD using the 8-bit mcu avr devices on a special shell environment.
- Software-Hardware-Codesign/ShiftAvr: A modern implementation of avr-core and GNU libraries for avr microcontroller units purely written in C.
- aleksa012po/C_Arduino_Electronic_Piano_Keyboard: Arduino Electronic Piano Keyboard written in ANSI C, not finished, idea is to use one input analog pin, and 8 buttons with some resistors, ideally for ATinny or some ESP
- https://github.com/unalfaruk/ATMega328P_Examples/blob/master/TIMER1_EX/TIMER1_EX/main.c
- git-aniket/ATMega328P: This repository contains all work done on the ATMega328P viz PID position control, PWM, ADC among others
- enderslash1010/ATmega328p: Repo for bare-metal programming with ATmega328p
- aleksa012po/C_Arduino_Generate_Sound_Two_Projects: C_Arduino_Generisanje_Zvuka - Arduino Assembler, Sound Generation. Connect the amplifier with the transistor to the output pin. Use timers to change frequencies and change zeros and ones.
- BaseMax/TestAVR
- ramonauble/sp: an open source synthesizer & sequencer, based on the Atmega328p.
- aleksa012po/C_I2C_Hardware_Arduino_EEPROM: I2C program for addressing hardware Arduino EEPROM written in ANSI C
- aleksa012po/C_Arduino__ADC: Arduino ADC. Install a voltage divider at the input. Change the value of the resistor and read the states of the AD converter
- aleksa012po/C_Blink_2sec_Delay: Arduino Blink LED, delay 2 sec, written in ANSI C
- aleksa012po/C_PWM_for_controling_LED_using_Interrupt: Simple program written in ANSI C for arduino, uses PWM and Interrupt for controlling LED diode
- aleksa012po/C_Interrupts: Interrupts written in ANSI C
- ibrhmkrt/MicroballisticHedefMermiAlgilama: Embedded Systems, C , Avr-C
- aleksa012po/C_Timer0_With_ISR: Simple program written in ANSI C for arduino, I use Timer1 with ISR
- aleksa012po/C_Arduino_Electronic_Piano_Keyboard: Arduino Electronic Piano Keyboard written in ANSI C, not finished, idea is to use one input analog pin, and 8 buttons with some resistors, ideally for ATinny or some ESP