$ rails server
$ grunt
$ guard
$ rake jasmine
Package | Description |
jquery | The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library |
jasmine | framework for testing JavaScript code |
handlebars | javascript templates |
handlebars_assets | Shared handlebars templates; js templating |
bourbon | A Sass Mixin Library |
neat | Grid framework for Sass and Bourbon |
bitters | Stock styles / stylesheets using smacks |
font-awesome | Multi-purpose icon fonts |
Package | Description |
animate.css | CSS animation library |
spin.js | loading spinners |
Package | Description |
jshint | javascript validation |
jsdoc | generate docs from js comments |
Package | Description |
grunt | jsHint, jsdoc |
rake guard | auto-runs rails tests; and jasmine tests |
rake js-test | jasmine ci tests from command line |
rake jasmine | jasmine tests viewable in localhost:8888 |
mocha | for stubbing and mocking |
Package | Description |
event_facade | to handle triggering / binding events |
hbt_facade | to handle handlebars.js rendering |
utils | containing methods for mixing objects, debouncing clicks and redirecting |
mobile_menu | rwd menu for phones |
- A welcome#index controller with bitters html examples
- Jasmine config puts tests under
and json fixtures in/test/javascripts/fixtures/json
May need to follow these instructions for v8 and ruby racer
or try uninstalling everything and doing this