Use exiftool to extract metadata of a photo series and save it to a Python dictionary
This script uses exiftool, see
Add the exiftool executable to path or put it in the same folder.
Add the following code in your python script:
import Retrieve_Metadata
from Retrieve_Metadata import PathImage
Metadata = Retrieve_Metadata.RetrieveData(PathImage, 'Tags')
'Tags' are optional and must be separated by comma.
For example,
Metadata = Retrive_Metadata.RetrieveData(PathImage, 'GPSPosition', 'GPSAltitude') will get a dictionary like:
{'IMG_170204_044007_0716_NIR.TIF': {'GPSAltitude': '39.2 m Above Sea Level',
'GPSPosition': '24 deg 47' 14.17" S, 152 deg 16' 19.11" E'},
'IMG_170204_044007_0716_NIR2.TIF': {'GPSAltitude': '39.2 m Above Sea Level',
'GPSPosition': '24 deg 47' 14.17" S, 152 deg 16' 19.11" E'}}
Then you can use your own script to parse the data as you like.