Use redis to expire your keys and handling the value
- Schedule the expiration of your keys
- Handling your keys and values
- CRUD your scheduler + rescheduling
- Save multiple values in a single key
- Retrieve your value when the key expire
- Add cron task
- Retrieve/Search by regexp
$ npm install redis-expiry
const Redis = require("redis");
const redisExpiry = require("redis-expiry");
const redisSetter = Redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
const redisGetter = Redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
const rexp = redisExpiry(redisSetter, redisGetter);
rexp.set("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue").timeout(60000); // key will be expire in 60sec
const expireDate = new Date();
expireDate.setSeconds(expireDate.getSeconds() + 60);
rexp.set("myKeyByDate", "myValue").at(expireDate); // key will be expire in 60sec
rexp.set("myKeyByCron", "myValue").cron("*/30 * * * * *"); // key will be expire every 30sec
rexp.on(/myKeyBy(.)/, (value, key) => { // event will always be scheduled if the application restart
console.log("Value returned", value, "From key", key);
Create a new instance :
const Redis = require("redis");
const redisExpiry = require("redis-expiry");
const redisSetter = Redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
const redisGetter = Redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
const rexp = redisExpiry(redisSetter, redisGetter);
The code bellow is deprecated since v1.0.4
const rexp = redisExpiry(redisSetter, process.env.REDIS_URL);
⚠ If your application is shutdown and one of your keys expire, redis-expiry
will detect them ⚠
⚠ Then when your application will be operationnal, the event rexp.on("myKey", callback)
will be called⚠
Before choosing the type of expiration, you have to set the key/value:
rexp.set("myKey", "myValue")...
A simple redis set
await rexp.set("myKeyByInfinit", "myValue").infinit();
will never expired.
Schedule from a date:
const currentDate = new Date();
currentDate.setSeconds(currentDate.getSeconds() + 30);
await rexp.set("myKeyByAt", "myValue").at(currentDate);
will expire in 30 seconds.
Schedule from a timeout:
await rexp.set("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue").timeout(60000);
will expire in 60 seconds.
Schedule from now:
await rexp.set("myKeyByNow", "myValue").now();
will expire in few milliseconds.
Schedule from cron:
await rexp.set("myKeyByCron", "myValue").cron("*/4 * * * * *", cronOption);
will expire in the next multiple of 4 seconds.
⚠ after expiration the event is rescheduled. To stop the cron, check "Adding event handler" part bellow⚠
is optional, check the link bellow to know more.
More information:
The handler will be call every time a specified key expires:
rexp.on("myKeyByTimeout", (value, key) => {
// value === "myValue"
}, {
maxConcurrent: 1 // Synchro event
To stop the cron task execute stop
rexp.on("myKeyByTimeout", (value, key, stop) => {
stop(); // stop cron task
Using regexp :
rexp.on(/myKeyBy(.)/, (value, key, stop) => {
// value === "myValue"
Every myKeyBy*
key will be returned
If no value is specified then every keys will be removed:
await rexp.del("myKeyByTimeout");
Remove specific contents by value:
await rexp.del("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue");
By regexp:
await rexp.del(/(.)Timeout/);
By regexp with a value:
await rexp.del(/(.)Timeout/, "myValue");
By guuid:
await rexp.delByGuuid("Dzokijo");
If no value is specified then every keys will be returned:
const result = await rexp.get("myKeyByTimeout");
Return specific contents by value:
const result = await rexp.get("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue");
By regexp:
await rexp.get(/(.)Timeout/);
By regexp with a value:
await rexp.get(/(.)Timeout/, "myValue");
By guuid:
await rexp.getByGuuid("Dzokijo");
If no value is specified then every keys will be updated:
const result = await rexp.update("myKeyByTimeout")("myNewValue");
Update specific contents by value:
const result = await rexp.update("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue")("myNewValue");
By regexp:
await rexp.update(/(.)Timeout/)("myNewValue");
By regexp with a value:
await rexp.update(/(.)Timeout/, "myValue")("myNewValue");
By guuid:
await rexp.updateByGuuid("Dzokijo")("myNewValue");
Reschedule date:
const currentDate = new Date();
currentDate.setSeconds(currentDate.getSeconds() + 30);
await rexp.reschedule("myKeyByAt", "myValue").at(currentDate);
Reschedule timeout:
await rexp.reschedule("myKeyByTimeout", "myValue").timeout(60000);
Reschedule now:
await rexp.reschedule("myKeyByNow", "myValue").now();
Reschedule cron:
await rexp.reschedule("myKeyByCron", "myValue").cron("*/4 * * * * *");
Reschedule all contents :
await rexp.reschedule("myKeyByTimeout").timeout(30000);
By regexp:
await rexp.reschedule(/(.)Timeout/).timeout(30000);
By regexp with a value:
await rexp.reschedule(/(.)Timeout/, "myValue").timeout(30000);
Every contents is rescheduled with a timeout at 30 secs
By guuid:
await rexp.rescheduleByGuuid("Dzokijo").timeout(30000);
Chainable API
Update value with andUpdateValue
function :
await rexp.rescheduleByGuuid("Dzokijo").andUpdateValue("myNewValue").timeout(30000);
Clone the repo and run from the project root:
$ npm install
$ npm test