Follow the instructions below
Clone this repository
Navigate to Gnomes directory and type following command:
yarn build
Dependencies should be downloaded and the project built
- Open a browser and access http://localhost:3000 or open directly from directory.
Thanks for your time! :)
Created by Dominik Kurbiel
Your todays task will be to code a simple,dynamic webpage according to provided designs and specification.
You should code a fully working page based on your framework of choice (we suggest Angular/React) that will:
- Look as on designs (assets/project.jpg)
- Will fetch data for table from API. Documentation for it is availabe at docs
- Use assets already provided in assets folder
- Table should display all items availble from API. How much you will be able to display at once, it's up to you.
- Table should allow to edit cell' detail, after click, a form should be displayed that will allow to update Gnome name, age, and strenght. API endpoint for PATCH is described in docs. Please not that API will randomly return errors, and that data will not be actually stored (so if you will call API GET, it will not get updated data). Design and UI/UX solution for this edit/update form is up to you.
- Font we've used is
You can clone this repo:)
There is no deadline. Do it right, send it when it's done.
- Project should be done on git, with proper commits history (one commit is not a history)
- Project should be pushed to public git repository
- Final implementation should be on master branch
- You should use some framework
- You should use some build tools (webpack/gulp/grunt, whatever)
- Provide readme file!
- Ideally would be, if calling
npm build
would do everything required to build project (download deps, build all) - it will save our time. (Yes, we know it's not normal) - Builded project has to be in dist folder.
API returns only:
- 200 - If everything is ok
- 422 - If your request was not constructed properlly
If you receive different code, then you made something wrong.
- If User is able to browse all items supplied by API.
Your mark will depend on how far will you go with this task. If you can't do something, it doesn't mean you failed. Just send whatever you CAN do.
- HTML/CSS/SASS correctness
- IF what you did, looks like it should
- If you have used framework
- If your framework is used in proper way
- How does you project structure look like, and if you have used any of architecture patterns (in eg: MVC)
- If you have used any of nice tools like npm, bower, sass, etc.
- If you have created your css in reusable convention (i.e. BEM)
- How proper is your code regarding syntax & formatting
- How fast is your code
This task is not hard, we know it. But it's designed not to check if you know all tricks of CSS&HTML, but to see how you organize your code, how you use frameworks (even though this use is minimal).
When finished, send email with your name and link to public repo with solution at [email protected]