This directive gives you a Bootstrap Dropdown with the power of AngularJS directives.
- Based on Bootstrap's dropdown.
- jQuery is not necessary.
- Seperated your data and the selection data. no modification to the data made.
- Built-in search.
- Complete control on the selected items model to fit it to your requirements.
- Two view options: normal list and checkboxes.
- Pre-selected values.
- Limit selection count.
- Grouping items by property.
- Callback events.
- Translation texts.
- Scrollable list (useful for big lists)
- Keyboard controls
required: AngularJS >= 1.2, Bootstrap >= 3.0
Make sure to add the dependencies before the directive's js file.
Note: Bootstrap JS file is not needed for the directive, it just uses the CSS file
- Download the files
- Include the file in your app
<script type="text/javascript" src="angularjs-dropdown-multiselect.js"></script>
.- You can also use the minfined version (
- Include the module in angular (i.e. in
) -angularjs-dropdown-multiselect
See the documentation and examples in the GitHub pages: