This library is a native OpenMP implementation in python.
The barrier
, critical
, for
, parallel
, parallel for
and single
directives are supported,
as well as the reduction
, private
, schedule
and nowait
Here is an example program that uses the library.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import omp
from omp import OpenMP
from functools import reduce
N = 20
def main():
acc = 0
acc2 = 1
with OpenMP("parallel"):
with OpenMP("for reduction(+:acc) reduction(*:acc2)"):
for i in range(1, N):
acc += i
acc2 *= i
print("Actual result:", acc, acc2)
print("Expected result:", sum(range(1, N)), reduce((lambda a, b: a*b), range(1, N), 1))
if __name__ == '__main__':