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AL Rachels edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

Using Moodle

If you are not familiar with using Moodle please read some Moodle Docs about it. There's also a book about it online at

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This video shows a quick introduction on how to use MooTyper:
Thanks to Mary Cooch from

MooTyper is an activity module, which means that a MooTyper instance is a Moodle activity (inside a course). If you have successfully installed Moodle and MooTyper you may now begin. The module allows:

  1. Create a typing activity
  2. Set up the activity as you want (Lesson or Exam mode)
  3. Type the text (students)
  4. View grades and statistics
  5. Edit, remove, or add new lessons and exercises

Lessons and exercises

Typing lessons (or categories) and exercises are stored in the Moodle database. This is done when MooTyper is being installed. Exercises are organized in this lessons. We may also call them categories or you can have a lessons called something like "Test 01" ... in fact lesson name can be anything you want. So a lesson contains exercises, and a single exercise is allways a part of one lesson.

Creating an activity

You have to have teacher permissions inside a course to add a new typing activity. So click "Turn editing on" and then in a course "Add activity" and select "MooTyper". On the next step you only have to provide a name for this activity, other stuff is optional. Click "Save and return to the course".

Now go inside the new activity because you have to set it up. Select a typing mode and a lesson. If you selected the Exam mode you also have to select which exercise will be the "exam". If you choose Lesson mode, than you have to provide the required precision (like 97%, 98% or 99%). There's also an option "Show keyboard". In most cases we want to show the keyboard, this option is only for the situation when the teacher does not want students to see the keyboard such as during an exam.

And that's it. The activity is prepared and students can now begin to type.

Typing modes

  1. Lesson

    Student have to type every exercise in the selected category(lesson). So when he's done with some exercise the system checks if he reached the required precision and in that case it moves him to the next exercise. If not he has to type this exercise again (until he reaches the required precision). When he finishes the last exercise in this category, hes done with this activity.

  2. Exam

    Student only has to finish one exercise (that was picked by teacher, when he was setting up the activity) and when he's done, he's done with this activity. There's no required precision.

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