Girajira is a small clojure web api that automates Jira card transitions via opened github pull requests.
- JDK 8 or above
- Leiningen 2.8.1 or above.
Girajira uses Midje for automated tests.
Recommended user plugins are:
A sample ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.16.0"]
[venantius/ultra "0.5.2"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.13"]]}}
Running tests using Midje
Enter the project directory and run the tests by using the lein midje
command in your terminal.
Running tests automatically
Midje allows you to automatically run your tests whenever you change your source code. To automatically run your tests use the lein midje :autotest
Running code coverage
We're using cloverage
for code coverage. Generate the coverage report by running lein cloverage --runner :midje
in your terminal.
Girajira uses Aero for enviroment configuration. In order to be able to perform requests to Jira's API you need to setup a .secrets.edn
configuration file in the project's config
directory. This file will be ignored by git
A sample config/.secrets.edn
{:url "https://YOUR_JIRA_URL"
:username "JIRA_USERNAME"
:password "JIRA_PASSWORD"}}
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein ring server