Added support for source generating Primitively types that encapsulate decimal, double and float (single) numeric values. For example: -
[Double(2, Minimum = -273.15d)]
public partial record struct Celsius : ITemperature<Celsius>
public static Celsius AbsoluteZero => new(-273.15d);
public static Celsius WaterMeltingPoint => new(0d);
public static Celsius WaterBoilingPoint => new(99.9839d);
public static explicit operator Kelvin(Celsius value) => new(value + 273.15d);
public static explicit operator Fahrenheit(Celsius value) => new((value * (9d / 5d)) + 32d);
public static explicit operator Rankine(Celsius value) => new((value + 273.15d) * (9d / 5d));