Fellowship One API client for Clojure
Download and install Leiningen. On a mac, use Homebrew to download and install Leiningen.
I recommend that you use an editor that supports checking for closed parentheses. Emacs and the Paredit plugin are an excellent combination. You'll be making heavy use of the Paredit Reference Card.
Check out the documentation on FellowshipOne's website to see how to use the API: http://developer.fellowshipone.com/docs/. You'll need to register for an account if you want to post on the forums.
You'll need to store your environment variables using the lein-environ
;; In ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:plugins [[lein-environ "1.0.0"]]}}
Then in create a profiles.clj
file in the root of your project:
;; in profiles.clj in the root of your app
{:f1-church-code "your-church-code"
:f1-consumer-key "XXX"
:f1-consumer-secret "m0r3-s3cr37s"
:f1-production-mode false}}} ;; false => staging; true => production
Start up a REPL session. Here's a sample usage of the code:
(ns f1-testdrive.core
(:require [com.danieldyba.fellowship-one.core :refer :all]
[com.danieldyba.fellowship-one.xml.elements :as xe]))
(def consumer ...)
(def oauth-token ...)
(def oauth-token-secret ...)
(with-oauth consumer
(search-receipts {:start-received-date "12-25-2014"}))
(with-oauth consumer
(let [amount (xe/amount "15.00")
received-date (xe/received-date "2014-12-31T12:00:00")
contribution-type (xe/contribution-type 2)
fund (xe/fund 220811)
receipt-payload (make-receipt-template
{:amount amount
:contribution-type contribution-type
:fund fund
:received-date received-date})]
(create-receipt (xe/to-xml receipt-payload))))
The FellowshipOne servers provide XML and JSON responses albeit the JSON responses are non-standard and require a JSON parser that preserves the order of the keys. This is why we've chosen to only support parsing responses containing XML data.
Copyright © 2014 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.