This is a blackjack program that features betting, multiple players, and soft/hard aces. The focus was on Object Oriented Programming and making code that could be reused for other card games. I also wanted to simulate as much as possible the physical movement of real cards.
- Java OOP
- Program design
- Collections
- Enum
- Sorting and using Comparator
- Debugging
- At the beginning of this project I tried to design all the classes in to be as universal as I could. I also intended from the beginning to be able to have stretch goals like multiple players. However, I didn't have things planned out as completely as I needed, and as I was coding the project I often got sidetracked with edge cases and working out logic that would be really unnecessary for the minimum project requirements. So I ended up spending more time than I wanted in order to get the project to minimum viability.
- Implementing soft aces was more difficult than I expected, but I ended up getting a lot of practice with the debugger and stepping thorough the program execution.
- I think maybe I could have used an interface for all the common functions of cards, groups of cards, and players. I ended up writing a lot of methods that I didn't end up using, or were long chains of methods.
- Figuring out unicode supplementary characters was interesting. I was stuck for a while trying to figure out how to put a utf16 character into a string. Eventually I ended up with String.valueOf(Character.toChars(int codePoint))
- The user is prompted to enter their name
- The user is prompted to enter information for any additional players. Players may be either human(controllable) or not.
- The user will be prompted to enter a bet
- Cards will be dealt to all the players in the game
- Human players will have the option of either doubling down, hitting, or staying.
- The dealer and any non-human players will take their turns
- The winners and losers are determined
- The total scores are displayed
- The user has the option of continuing or exiting