A nucleotide sequence melt temp calculator for Python.
- Usually within a few tenths of a degree C match to IDT's OligoAnalyzer
- Mono- and divalent cation corrections (from https://www.idtdna.com/Calc/Analyzer/Home/Definitions#MeltTemp)
- Accurate nucleotide pair coefficents from Allawi and SantaLucia (1997)
- Does not handle mismatches or dangling ends
- Does not handle ambiguous bases
- Does not handle RNA or DNA/RNA hybridization
If you need these features, use BioPython's MeltingTemp module.
$ pip install melt
From the command line:
$ Tm --dna 200 --na 50 --mg 3 --dntp 0.8 ATGCATGC
As a library:
>>> import melting
>>> melting.temp("ATGCATGC")
>>> melting.temp("ATGCATGC", DNA_c=200, Na_c=50, Mg_c=3, dNTPs_c=0.8)
This code is largely built on existing code from:
- Sebastian Bassi ([email protected])
- Greg Singer ([email protected])
- Nicolas Le Novere ([email protected])
Salt concentration equations adapted from IDT, with work from Erik Clarke, Sesh Sundararaman, and Calvin Morrison.