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MatchMakeR: Heursitc index-based record linkage in R

MatchMakeR is an experimental first step implementation of an index-based heuristic record linkage method. This package reimplements the main ideas from Thorsten Doherr's search engine, originally written in FoxPro. The aim of the package is to link large-scale data by fuzzy criteria such as names and addresses using a word/token-driven heuristic. This approach provides an efficient candidate retrieval mechanism, replacing traditional blocking strategies. Reimplementing this in R makes it easier to use the approach in existing data pipelines.


  • Efficient Candidate Retrieval: Quickly find potential matches using a word/token-driven heuristic.
  • Flexible Text Normalization: Standardize text data for better comparison.
  • Advanced Tokenization: Create tokens using word and n-gram tokenizers.
  • Phonetic Encoding: Enhance matching accuracy with Metaphone and Soundex encoding.
  • Duplicate Detection: Identify and group likely duplicate records within a dataset.
  • Scalable Processing: Handle large datasets with chunk processing capabilities.


Install MatchMakeR directly from GitHub using devtools:

# Install devtools if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Install TidyLLM from GitHub

Basic Usage Example

Below is an example of how to use the MatchMakeR package for detecting duplicates and searching for matching candidates.


# Load base and target tables
yp_base <- readstata13::read.dta13("yellow_pages_hausaerzte.dta")) |>
base_table <- copy(yp_base[year == 2016 & entry_line == 1][, key_base := entry])
target_table <- copy(yp_base[year == 2017 & entry_line == 1][, key_target := entry])

# Define normalization and tokenization strategy
preparers <- search_preparers(
  Nachname ~ normalize_text + word_tokens(.min_length = 3),
  Vorname ~ normalize_text + word_tokens(.min_length = 3),
  Strasse ~ normalize_text + word_tokens,
  Hausnummer ~ normalize_text + word_tokens,
  Ort ~ normalize_text + word_tokens

# Prepare search data
search_table_base <- preapare_search_data(preparers, base_table, "key_base")
search_table_target <- preapare_search_data(preparers, target_table, "key_target")

# Detect duplicates within the base table
likely_duplicates <- detect_duplicates(
  .base_table = search_table_base,
  .base_key = "key_base",
  .threshold = 0.8

# Deduplicate the base table
deduplicated_base_table <- deduplicate_table(base_table, likely_duplicates, "key_base")

# Search for matching candidates between base and target tables (Please deduplicate and inspect before doing this)
candidates <- search_candidates(
  .base_table = search_table_base,
  .target_table = search_table_target,
  .base_key = "key_base",
  .target_key = "key_target",
  .threshold = 0.6,
  .weights = c(Hausnummer = 0.1, Nachname = 0.5, Vorname = 0.2, Strasse = 0.1, Ort = 0.1),
  .chunksize = 10000

Functions Overview

  • normalize_text(): Normalize a text string by converting to uppercase, transliterating special characters, retaining only alphanumeric characters and spaces, and removing extra spaces.
  • as_metaphone(): Convert a text string to its Metaphone encoding.
  • as_soundex(): Convert a text string to its Soundex encoding.
  • word_tokens(): Return a list of word tokens for the input text.
  • use_dictionary(): Group similar tokens together using a pre-defined dictionary.
  • generate_ngrams(): Generate n-gram tokens from a text string.
  • search_preparers(): Create a list of preparer functions based on a formula syntax.
  • preapare_search_data(): Apply the preparer functions to the specified columns in the input data frame to create a search table
  • search_candidates(): Search for matching candidates between a base table and a target table using token-based heuristic linkage.
  • detect_duplicates(): Detect duplicate records within a base table using token-based heuristic linkage.
  • deduplicate_table(): Use the results of detect_duplicates to remove duplicate records from a data table.
  • build_similarity_dict(): Build a dicionary of similar tokens for a base and a target table.


  • Add code to smooth rIP in the search functions (softmax or log rIP).
  • Add feedback mechanism discusses in original search engine


Indexing-based record-linkage for R






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