A web app that improves artists’ color discrimination.
> Tonal painters have to learn above all to look at their subjects with a different attitude to normal viewing, in order to judge objectively the hue, “colorfulness”, and brightness of the light coming to from each point in the subject. […] With practice we can learn to switch at will between our normal mode of vision and this painter’s way of seeing. But we always need to be on guard against the tendency to slip into judging colours in constancy mode, that is, to paint their perceived local colour, instead of the colour that we need to create the illusion of that colour.
> At this point the beginning painter might ask: “well, if that’s the way it looks to my eyes, shouldn’t I paint it that way?” The answer to this is a definite no - if we can recreate the stimulus that created the appearance, we will create the effect the we see in our subject; if we instead chase the appearance, we will create something different.
MVP User stories
The Game -------- - I want to be able to pick an image to work with - I want to test my color picking skills by comparing my accuracy to a few predefined zones on the image. - The color picker should be large, and work with RGB, HSV, or LAB color. The Stats Page --------------- - After I play a round, I want to see my statistics, in graph and natural language form. - I want to be able to see my profile's statistics, which show my accuracy. - I'd like to know which colors I'm most and least accurate with.
- Themed quizzes, painting at night (go to gurney for that one), colored lighting, skin tones, overcast, the great outdoors.
- Explain what the scores mean, give them a sense of how other people perform on it. - Black/white images in the value quiz - Show actual/value in the value quiz - Allow a guest user to create an account and transfer their previously made guesses to it. - Welcome/explanation page/how to play and FAQ. (Courses on this landing.) - Let certain users create their own quizzes. Like designing a golf course -- you put together a set of "holes", and colors to pick on each. The designer then includes some helpful tips in case the guesser misses, like "Reflections are typically 2 steps darker than the sky, etc", etc. - Use SRS algorithms to decide which images to show regular users. (Themed challenges are worthwhile, but varied questions makes more sense for daily users). - Use random sampling to gather guesses across the image. With enough users, this will let us figure out on an almost per-pixel basis which colors are hard to pick. It'd be cool to then visualize with a heatmap the relative difficulties of the color patches, might give some insight into color vision. Do it like a captcha, sprinkle in some random ones along with the pre-programmed.
The HK effect and related additivity failures demonstrate that brightness/lightness and hue purity are not independent dimensions: one attribute affects the other depending on the level or intensity of both. We saw a similar interdependence of hue purity and brightness contrast in measures of brilliance, and it is a general feature of color vision. It implies that our idea of color as separable colormaking attributes or dimensions, each varying independently of the others, misrepresents the integrated and highly dynamic nature of color perception.
www.jasondavies.com/maps/random-points/ Jason Davies poisson sampling for unit spheres
www.brucelindbloom.com/ Took his javascript for Lab to RGB calculation
github.com/markusn/color-diff/tree/master/lib Color diffing.
stackoverflow.com/questions/4065295/saving-the-images-dimensions-width-and-height-in-paperclip resizing width
Spectrum JS joelencioni.com/blog/2014/01/03/integrating-bower-with-rails/
stackoverflow.com/questions/26785966/transform-bounding-box-in-paper-js Alex Blackwood for a fantastic overflow