A simple Rust CLI to get a slack hotlist.
- What is a slack hotlist
- Example
- Installation and configuration
- Installation example
- Notes
- A way to use it within tmux
- Releases
- Acknowledgement
A hotlist
primarily is a feature available in weechat.
It's a set of counters allowing to know at first glance the number of unread messages in one or many IRC channels.
Once you setup this amazing wee-slack plugin,
slack workspaces, channels and threads can all be integrated in weechat
So the hotlist
( weechat feature ) now is turned into a slack hotlist
The slackrope
CLI does a simple job : it connects to a running instance of weechat
( or weechat-headless
which runs as a daemon process )
and brings these hotlist counters back in your terminal.

Let's imagine you are connected with 2 slack
workspaces A
and B
, where you currently have :
- 2 unread messages in threads you've participated in
- 0 unread private messages
- 1 unread message highlighting you with
$ slackrope hotlist
2 0 1
$ slackrope hotlist -f detailed
"priority_1": {
"count": 1,
"items": [
"priority_2": {
"count": 0,
"items": []
"priority_3": {
"count": 2,
"items": [
$ slackrope list-teams
You have currently 2 registered slack team(s) a.k.a workspace(s) :
- slack.workspaceA
- slack.workspaceB
See also paragraph below for a quick installation example on macOS with brew
As explained above, the slackrope
CLI connects to weechat
and brings back the hotlist in various formats.
You then need to configure the CLI (mainly for port and password)
by creating a slackrope.toml
configuration file :
- this file must be located in the
directory, provided that the$XDG_CONFIG_HOME
variable is set in your environment. - if not, this file must be located in the
Here I listed the slackrope
keys and default values :
# $HOME/.config/slackrope/slackrope.toml
sr_weechat_host = ""
sr_weechat_relay_port = "8000"
sr_weechat_program_name = "weechat-headless"
sr_weechat_password = ""
sr_slack_register_baseurl = "https://slack.com/oauth/authorize"
sr_slack_register_weeslack_client_id = "2468770254.51917335286"
sr_slack_register_scope = "client"
sr_slack_register_redirect_uri = "https%3A%2F%2Fwee-slack.github.io%2Fwee-slack%2Foauth"
sr_wee_slack_plugin_directory = "$HOME/.local/share/weechat/python"
sr_wee_slack_plugin_filename = "wee_slack.py"
Keys | Default value | Description |
sr_weechat_password | "" |
the password needed to connect to weechat via weechat-relay. It is required you set it, unless you've configured weechat to allow for an empty password. |
sr_weechat_host | |
the host weechat is running on |
sr_weechat_relay_port | 8000 |
the port weechat-relay is listening on |
sr_weechat_program_name | weechat-headless |
the weechat executable, weechat or weechat-headless |
sr_wee_slack_plugin_directory | $HOME/.local/share/weechat/python |
the wee-slack python plugins directory |
sr_wee_slack_plugin_filename | wee_slack.py |
the wee-slack plugin file |
sr_slack_register_baseurl | https://slack.com/oauth/authorize |
needed to register your slack workspace, see wee-slack repository |
sr_slack_register_weeslack_client_id | 2468770254.51917335286 |
needed to register your slack workspace, see wee-slack repository |
sr_slack_register_scope | client |
needed to register your slack workspace, see wee-slack repository |
sr_slack_register_redirect_uri | https%3A%2F%2Fwee-slack.github.io%2Fwee-slack%2Foauth |
needed to register your slack workspace, see wee-slack repository |
You can use this command, meant to help you monitoring various indicators and settings.
slackrope health
You can use this command to add a new slack workspace. It will help you following the procedure to get your slack
slackrope register
Once you get your token, run it again with the token
This will setup for you the token in the corresponding weechat
config file (see python.slack.slack_api_token
in $HOME/.config/weechat/plugins.conf
) :
slackrope register --token **********
Tested on MacOS Sequoia 15.3 :
# install weechat
brew install weechat
# install wee_slack.py ( weechat plugin )
curl -L https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack/raw/refs/heads/master/wee_slack.py > $HOME/.local/share/weechat/python/wee_slack.py
# autoloading wee_slack.py when weechat starts
ln -s $HOME/.local/share/weechat/python/wee_slack.py $HOME/.local/share/weechat/python/autoload/
# install this wee-slack required dependency ( installed on the brew python3, that weechat will use if you installed it with brew )
/opt/homebrew/bin/python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages websocket-client
# Option 1: download the executable from a release of this github repository
# Option 2: clone this repo and build your executable from source
git clone https://github.com/egovelox/slackrope.git
cd slackrope && cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/slackrope $HOME/bin/slackrope
# first check slackrope health, but it should indicate KO the first time,
# because you need more configuration
slackrope -d -d health
# ensure that all weechat instances are killed before further configuration
slackrope kill
# network configuration (connection between slackrope and weechat)
echo -e "[port]\nweechat = 8000\n[network]\npassword = \"password\"" >> $HOME/.config/weechat/relay.conf
echo "sr_weechat_password = \"password\"" > $HOME/.config/slackrope/slackrope.toml
# register your first slack workspace
slackrope register
slackrope -h
orslackrope COMMAND -h
to get help on the cli parameters
slackrope -d -d COMMAND
to get a quick grasp on the cli background process
slackrope clear
to reset your hotlist when you notice a desynchro withslack
. This command was meant to help, when your slackrope hotlist keeps indicating you unread messages, whereas you have in fact no unread messages inslack
. Hopefully this should not happen very often.
I mostly use slackrope hotlist -t
inside tmux
status-bar, with a 5 seconds refresh.
# $HOME/.tmux.conf
%hidden DEFAULT="default"
%hidden MAGENTA='#a6077b'
%hidden GREEN='#32a87d'
%hidden ORANGE='#cf6f0e'
%hidden LIGHT_BLUE='#81a1c1'
%hidden HOTLIST='$HOME/bin/slackrope hotlist -t "\033[38;5;208m\e[0m{{priority_3}} \e[38;5;200m\e[0m{{priority_2}} \e[38;5;112m\e[0m{{priority_1}}"'
set -g status-position bottom
set -g status-interval 5
# Span status line on 2 lines
set -g status-format[0] ''
set -g status-format[1] ''
set -g status-right ''
set -g status-left ''
set -g status-right "#[fg=#{GREEN},bg=#{DEFAULT}] #S:#I "
set -g status-left "#[fg=#{LIGHT_BLUE},bg=#{DEFAULT}]#(#{HOTLIST} | sed -r 's/\\[38;5;208m/#[fg=#{ORANGE}]/g' | sed -r 's/\\[38;5;200m/#[fg=#{MAGENTA}]/g' | sed -r 's/\\[38;5;112m/#[fg=#{GREEN}]/g' | sed -r 's/\\[0m/#[fg=#{LIGHT_BLUE}]/g') #[#{DEFAULT}]"
set -gF status-format[0] '#{status-left}#[align=right]#{status-right}'
# ...
# Print both status lines
set -g status 2

weechat-relay-rs offers the rust bindings
to connect to weechat via the relay
wee-slack is a plugin
allowing weechat
or weechat-headless
to be connected with slack